
Showing posts from November, 2020

5 Coincidences That Will Defy Everything You Know

 5 Coincidences That Will Defy Everything You Know  Have you ever had such a coincidental experience that the feeling has stuck with you for years?  These stories are true and I have gathered them from different sources.  Here are 5 Coincidences That Defy Everything You Know.  1) Six years ago, because of my drinking, I'd been homeless for about 8 months. I'd been at a shelter for a few weeks and one day, as I walked from the library back to the shelter for dinner, I decided I couldn't take anymore. I was ready to kill myself. That prior August my mother had passed away, so on the street that evening I said to her, I can't take it anymore, mom. Help me.  Back at the shelter, after dinner, us bums waited for showers and bedtime.That evening the shelter had more residents than usual and many of them needed clean socks or underwear,etc.  On this night, it wasn't scheduled, but the shelter opened the basement where they kept donated clothes. I didn't need ...

Scary Story: House on Fire

  House On Fire  House On Fire is a creepy and scary story about three friends who spend a night telling scary stories and encounter a legend that becomes frighteningly real.  Let me tell you about the night my life changed forever..the night when I thought I was going to die..the night I lost my sanity.. It was a warm spring night and I was 13 years old. My parents had gone on holiday for the weekend, leaving me home alone. I invited my two best friends, David and Karan over to keep me company.  We were in my bedroom, listening to music. Karan reached out and lowered the volume.  Hey, why don't we tell some scary and creepy stories? he said. I'm in the mood for a scare.  Sounds like a good idea, David agreed.Who's going to go first?  Yes, I have one..I volunteered. But I don't know if I should tell it.. Come on! said David..Let's hear it!  Ok, I said. It's a pretty horrible story I heard once. It all happened many years ago. There was a man who h...

Soul Contracts: Agreements We Made Before Coming To EARTH

Soul Contracts: Agreements we made before coming to earth  Before we are born we are asked just one question by our soul family. What is it you would like to learn this lifetime?  Depending upon our answer, the soul contracts are formed. If we wish to learn love, we will be shown hate, and no matter the lesson, we ask that the opposite is brought to us. If we wish to learn patience, we will not ask to be surrounded by Zen Masters, but rather people who will push our buttons and annoy us to the ends of the earth.  This is obvious that our soul contracts depend upon these lessons, which we want to learn. Self development can be a deeply painful process that by nature requires us to be scrubbed. It is in the repetitive scrubbing of a diamond that it gains its sparkle and we are no different.  We get removed from the center by x amount which is directly proportionate to how much we have chosen to learn. It is through learning and growth that we come back to our center wi...

Dangerous Game: The Cat Scratch Game

  The Cat Scratch Game  Depending on where you are in the world,The Cat Scratch Game is also called as Black Cat Scratch and Cat Scratches.  Requirements:  Only one pillow.  Number of Players:  You will need at least two persons to play this Game.  How to play:  Getting Started:  The two main players in this particular game as the Storyteller- yes, you're going to have to tell a little story and the victim.  If there are more than two persons in the room, the others should sit quietly. If there are enough to do so,form a circle around the storyteller and victim, but again, the key if for you to be very quiet while the game is played.  The Storyteller should sit cross- legged on the floor with a pillow in their lap and the victim should lie down on their back, placing their head on the pillow.  When the room is settled, the storyteller should gently and soothingly begin to rub the temples of the victim while reciting one of the ...

Top 10 Haunted Places in Assam

Top 10 Haunted Places in Assam  1) Hahim Picnic Spot  The beauty of this place turns into a silent eerie place after sunset. The stretch of highway that passes through is supposed to be haunted and there has been reports of paranormal activities. The place is supposed to be haunted by an evil witch who hovers around this place.  2) Mayong Village  According to the legend, this place has sorcerers who could transform humans to animals by using black magic. This place is famous for its tradition of hosting black magic rituals. People who are troubled by black magic come here to get treatment.  3) Banyan Tree, Puranigudam  There is an infamous old banyan tree in the Kakharigaon area. Legend has it that during the Assamese- Burmese wars of the 1820s, the  Burmese committed countless atrocities on the poor Assamese villagers, including building bamboo sheds atop tree, more like modern day tree houses, they then tied up the locals and put them atop the tree ...

Types Of Paranormal Entities

Types Of Paranormal Entities  When you're dealing with a paranormal entity, it doesn't take long to realize there are a number of different types of spirits and entities to consider. If you are facing paranormal experiences, it's essential to understand the types of spiritual entities that you may be dealing with.  What is a Paranormal Entity?  The word Entity is used to describe something that seems to have its own form of existence. Any distinct thing is an entity, whether it is living or non living.  What makes something an entity means it simply exists and is distinctly different from other things around it. Paranormal experts use the word Entity because little is known about these beings other than the fact that they do exist and interact with our world in predictable and unpredictable ways.  Paranormal Entity Types Researchers classify entities into various types due to the different experiences paranormal investigators have when they deal with haunting ac...

Scary Story: Mean Girlfriend

MEAN GIRLFRIEND   It was friday night and Jasmine was having really good time at her college party. At 11:45, she left and tried to contact her roommate (Sara) to pick her up. But she was not responding. Finally, Sara received the call. Jasmine ask her to pick her up and she said have you seen the time, it's really late.  Sara: You said you will be free by 9, I was waiting for your call and then I fall asleep.  Jasmine: Sorry, I can't keep track of the time. You please come and pick me up.  Sara: It's nearly midnight Jasmine. No way, I can't drive in the night. There is a 12'00 bus in the norman street. You can be able to catch that bus if you hurry towards the bus stop. I am going to sleep, I have to wake up early for work, tomorrow. Bye... When Sara refused to pick up Jasmine, She start walking towards bus stop. She was feeling unsafe while walking alone this late. She was thinking about few incidents happened on this road at midnight. It didn't take her long ...

What is a Ghost and Spirit?

  Ghosts vs Spirit  The words ghost and spirit are usually thought to have the same meaning. Majority of the time they are generally used to describe all paranormal activity. However, they refer to two completely different things. Spirits and ghosts are in fact two different beings. They not only look but also feel significantly different from one another.  The Difference between Spirits and Ghosts The difference between spirits and ghost are the way they manifest themselves and they're motives for making contact.  Spirits are beings that once lived a somewhat average life and aren't aware they are passing through the purgatory of the afterlife. Ghost, on the other hand, may have experienced a more discomforting life and have a grudge or feel the need to linger around a place or object seeking justification for their untimely passing.  The way these two entities behave and communicate is the most important characteristic when attempting to distinguish the contra...

Can Ghost Hurt You?

Can ghost hurt you?  We tend to have this distorted idea of what ghosts look and act like because of tons of overly hyped horror movies. Most, if not all, of those movies, have an unintentionally exaggerated representation of what ghosts can do for dramatic effects.  The answer is Yes, ghosts have the power to harm those in the physical world. Let's dive deeper into how and why ghosts have the ability to hurt people.  Ways Ghosts Hurt People It is not common for a ghost to purposefully set out to harm a living person. Most reported cases of people being harmed by a ghost are not what you would initially imagine. The harm that is being caused, im most cases, doesn't come as wounds to the flesh. Instead, it is emotional and psychological damages that can be easily recognized in all of those individuals.  Even though you might be able to see a ghost, doesn't mean that it exists in the same perceived way physically. When you see a ghost in our world you are perceiving a ...

Dangerous Game: The Telephone Ritual

  The Telephone Ritual The Telephone Ritual is more of an experience than a game. It is supernatural ritual that requires only one person to proceed with the game, provided he or she knows how the ritual works.  The person locks himself or herself in a bathroom in an abandoned building and makes a telephone call to the other world. The trick of the game is if the subject senses a connection to the other world or the call is answered, the subject has to hang up right that instant.  Players Require:  Minimum one person can play the game as it takes only one to make a call. However, there is no restriction on the number of people that can participate.  Requirements: A torch or flashlight.  A house or a building that has a telephone landline connection.  Something to stop the entity, if ever the need arose, from entering the confined space.  A bathroom within that place with a lock and key inside.  A toilet that functions within that bathroom....

Top 10 Haunted Places in Goa

  Top 10 Haunted Places in Goa  1) NH 17 ( Mumbai- Goa Highway)  There is an old saying that don't carry meat while travelling, especially after 2 in the night. One such incident happened at NH 17. A couple was carrying Chicken and other meat items in their car, they were peacefully driving when suddenly the lights went on and off and the car was out of their control. They somehow managed to pull over the car and got out of it. The doors automatically closed and after an hour the doors opened and they saw a black smoke coming out of their car. They didn't get into the car till sunrise. When they got into the car next morning they found out that all the food was gone.  2) The Rodrigues Home, Verna The house occupied by the Rodrigues family highlights that they are made of sterner stuff. The village, as a whole, acknowledges that the happenings within its walls are quite of the ordinary, and typically straight out of a movie. From doors and windows that open and shut o...