Can Ghost Hurt You?

Can ghost hurt you? 

We tend to have this distorted idea of what ghosts look and act like because of tons of overly hyped horror movies. Most, if not all, of those movies, have an unintentionally exaggerated representation of what ghosts can do for dramatic effects. 

The answer is Yes, ghosts have the power to harm those in the physical world. Let's dive deeper into how and why ghosts have the ability to hurt people. 

Ways Ghosts Hurt People

It is not common for a ghost to purposefully set out to harm a living person. Most reported cases of people being harmed by a ghost are not what you would initially imagine. The harm that is being caused, im most cases, doesn't come as wounds to the flesh. Instead, it is emotional and psychological damages that can be easily recognized in all of those individuals. 

Even though you might be able to see a ghost, doesn't mean that it exists in the same perceived way physically. When you see a ghost in our world you are perceiving a manifestation of their energy in the purgatory they remain in. 

If the wounds caused by ghosts are not on our physical bodies, then how are they hurting us? Reported occurrences that people have been harmed by ghosts are in a number of over ways: 

1) Psychological Pain

Physical harm is most definitely not the only way to bring harm to someone. In fact, as human beings, most of the pain and suffering that we inflict on each other comes from psychological and emotional pain. Screaming at someone, lying, inflicting fear or panic, and taunting is some of the many examples of actions that qualify as psychological abuse. In this case, ghosts are not that much different from humans. They too are capable of tormenting our mind and causing unimaginable amounts of distress. 

Despite this, I think it's safe to say that most of the time someone reports being hurt by a ghost, it's not intentional or even by a ghost at all. So if this is truly the case, then why do we have so many reported cases of people that have been hurt by a ghost?  If you know someone that make claims of being psychologically harmed by an entity, consider getting an EVP recorder to see if there are indeed spirits present. If you're tech-savy type you could even download an EVP app on your phone to be more discrete about your observations. 

2) Emotional Trauma 

Emotional trauma can also become a factor after psychological pain has been ongoing for an extended amount of time. One of the reason for this discrepancy is the problem of miscommunication between the living and that of ghosts. Being from two completely different realities can make it extremely easy for most attempts at communication to end up lost in translation. Since ghosts are not from the physical world, like humans are, they have to resort to different methods of interaction. As humans, it is in our nature to be suspicious and even afraid of that which we don't know. 

Seeing something that you can't find a logical explanation for would cause distress in any individual. 

3) Physical Pain 

Physical pain caused by a ghost in most commonly associated with a poltergeist encounter. Poltergeists are some of the most disturbing entities that you will ever come across. They are best known for being the loudest, more violent, and destructive ghosts to exist. Most people that have experienced one will willingly let you know that its sighting is something you will never forget. 

Poltergeists will usually focus on one particular individual in the family in order to isolate their victims. At first glance a poltergeist haunting my appear very similar to a regular ghost haunting, the violence, and aggressiveness of the encounter is what sets them apart. Real poltergeist activity tends to include physical violence against individuals. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!   



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