Top 10 Haunted Places in Goa

 Top 10 Haunted Places in Goa 

1) NH 17 ( Mumbai- Goa Highway) 

There is an old saying that don't carry meat while travelling, especially after 2 in the night. One such incident happened at NH 17. A couple was carrying Chicken and other meat items in their car, they were peacefully driving when suddenly the lights went on and off and the car was out of their control. They somehow managed to pull over the car and got out of it. The doors automatically closed and after an hour the doors opened and they saw a black smoke coming out of their car. They didn't get into the car till sunrise. When they got into the car next morning they found out that all the food was gone. 

2) The Rodrigues Home, Verna

The house occupied by the Rodrigues family highlights that they are made of sterner stuff. The village, as a whole, acknowledges that the happenings within its walls are quite of the ordinary, and typically straight out of a movie. From doors and windows that open and shut of their own accord, to the linen that goes missing in the dead of the night, it all happens at the Rodrigues home. 

3) Seminary Arch, Rachol 

The arch that stands tall before the seminary at Rachol has been known for well over two centuries to be haunted by the spirit of a sentinel from the Portuguese era. On certain days of the year, adorning his official garb, the guard marches from one end of the archway to the other, manning his outpost as it were, and refusing right of way to those considered less worthy. 

4) Ghost Hotel, South Goa 

According to the sources, this hotel was built by Russians but due to a legal twist they had to leave the country and their half- built hotel project behind. This place has reported many ghost sightings. 

5) Igorehem Bandh, Raia

The occurrence of midday hauntings is quite rare. One location that serves as an example of this uncommon happening is the Igorehem Bandh in Raia. Aptly named due to its geographical position behind the church of our lady of snows, the bandh is known to be a site famous for the possession of many a person. Legend has it that the crossing of the bandh at 2 pm in the afternoon leads to giddy spells followed by talking in tongues. 

6) Baytakhol 

This place between Dhavali and Bori, has witnessed a number of paranormal activities in the past and it still continues to witness them. Here a girl has been sighted by many people who stands in the middle of the road and screams, the sound made by the girl is eerie and when anybody tries to look back the girl vanishes away as fog. This has resulted in many accidents in this area. 

7) The D'Mello House, Santemol 

This is the story of two brothers, who had a dispute on how the ancestral property will be divided. The two brothers then entered into a violent exchange, which resulted in one brother's death. It has been since rumoured that warring factions in the family will be cursed never to arrive at harmonious conclusion about division of an estate. 

8) Jakni Bandh, Navelim

A bus full of school children went over the little culvert that helped the road link between Navelim and Dramapur. All the childrens and other passenger on the bus died, On some days of the year, it is rumoured that the haunting wailing and crying sounds of children can still be heard in the dead of the night. 

9) Saligao village ( Christalina) 

According to the locals, once padre Lourenco (1953) had gone for a walk around the seminary road, but that particular night he didn't return. As there was no sign of him, some of the workers went in search of him. They found  him quite close to the infamous banyan tree believed to be haunted by Christalina's ghost, flat on the ground with his face in the mud. They shouted for help and their companions came with the jeep. They carried him to the jeep, drove to the residence and placed the good priest in his bed. All along he remained speechless and motionless. Then someone shouted Christalina and the news spread like wildfire in the entire village of saligao and the neighbouring villages that padre Lourenco was possessed by the ghost of Christalina. 

10) The 3 Kings Church 

According to the local people, this church is haunted by the spirits of 3 Portuguese King, who once lived here in the state of Goa. King holger Alvunger, one of the kings had invited the other two kings in the palace. He poisoned them and both died in the palace, after some time, king holger alvunger also committed suicide by consuming poison. King Holgers palace is the current 3 kings church in Goa, where there have been reports of sightings and general unrest. 



Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below! 


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