What is a Ghost and Spirit?

 Ghosts vs Spirit 

The words ghost and spirit are usually thought to have the same meaning. Majority of the time they are generally used to describe all paranormal activity. However, they refer to two completely different things. Spirits and ghosts are in fact two different beings. They not only look but also feel significantly different from one another. 

The Difference between Spirits and Ghosts

The difference between spirits and ghost are the way they manifest themselves and they're motives for making contact. 

Spirits are beings that once lived a somewhat average life and aren't aware they are passing through the purgatory of the afterlife. Ghost, on the other hand, may have experienced a more discomforting life and have a grudge or feel the need to linger around a place or object seeking justification for their untimely passing. 

The way these two entities behave and communicate is the most important characteristic when attempting to distinguish the contrast between the two. 

Let's take a look at each one of them to fully understand what they are individually: 

What is a Spirit? 

A spirit is the soul of a person or animal, which has not yet moved on to the other side. This person's or animal's physical body has died a reasonably normal death, however, they remain in this world. The term spirits usually implies those who come from the other side of light. Spirits could be people you don't know, friends or relatives that have stayed to visit with a specific purpose. 

This type of entity is not ready to move on and usually shows an urgency to remain in the realm of the living. The only problem is that they lack the physical body to live in anymore. It is believed that spirits can move back and forth from those dimensions to that of the living at will. Unlike other entities, spirits are not restrained to the site or location of their death. 

Are Spirits Good or Evil 

Spirits commonly have a positive essence to them. A spirit could have a powerful emotional connection to a person, usually a relative or loved one. This can cause them to Visit this individual frequently, which is why so many people express having the feeling the presence of a loved one who has died. These encounters are most of the time accompanied by a positive and soothing feeling, rather than a dark or intimidating one.

Communicating with spirits 

Communication with spirits is usually referenced to as a pleasant experience, peaceful and positive in nature. One of the many ways that a spirit may communicate with the living is through dreams, formally called Visitations. 

In a dream, we are often more willing to pay close attention to small details, not rush away somewhere else, and less affected by distractions. We tend to be more present in the moment and attentive to what is going on around us. 

Different types of Spirits 

Spirits are generally positive light being who remain or visit the physical plane to protect or communicate with loved ones. Many people enjoy and intentionally seek contact with spirits. These individuals find fulfillment in surrounding themselves with this type of clean and pure positive light or energy. 

1) Archangels 

Archangels are believed to have the ability to take on human form. They tend to help larger groups of people and have a specific topic that they take care of. It is believed that they are beings that have never lived on earth before. 

2) Guardian Angels 

Guardian Angels are usually known for their wisdom and knowledge due to spending most of their time in the spiritual plane. They serve as protectors to people. 

3) Ascended Masters 

Ascended Masters are very similar to archangels with the difference that they have lived on earth at some point. They are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have gone through numerous spiritual transformation also known as initiations. 

4) Loved Ones 

Relatives, or loved ones, are notably one of the most common types of spirit. A relative who has passed away will often try to make contact with a subject in hopes of  delivering a positive message or say their goodbyes. 

What is a Ghost? 

One could say, ghosts are individuals who have undergone a sudden and tragic passing, expressing resentment on the physical plane. Unlike spirits, ghosts are individuals who have not undergone the tunnel of light experience. Their state of mind is one of obscurity or lack of understanding, as they struggle with the present, past, or future fears. 

Why Do Ghost Exist? 

A ghost's death was usually unexpected, abrupt, tragic or a murder. In most cases, they have not come to realize that they actually died...causing further discomfort and more of an internal turmoil. 

Many experts in the field believe that ghosts have unfinished business in the physical world, which keeps them restrained to a particular site or location. Violet or abrupt deaths don't usually allow for the sufficient time needed to get their affairs sorted out before their passing. Again, creating somewhat of restraint not allowing them to move on or leave. 

What can Ghost Do? 

Ghosts usually are not out to harm you! Most believe ghosts communicate through sightings. Even though it may be their only actual ability, they sometimes show the potential to do more physically. Their powers or abilities are believed to vary depending on their strength. Some manifestations require more energy than others. This might be why some ghosts are only able to communicate in one particular way. There have been reports of ghosts demonstrating the ability to speak, create sounds, change the smell of a room and even control the temperature. 

Different Types of Ghost

Ghosts are usually thought to be dangerous, although that isn't always the case. Their tragic and usually violent deaths do mean that they are generally associated with darkness, yet there is still a wide variety of them. 

1) Ectoplasm 

Ectoplasm have been described as a supernatural thick substance that expels from the body of a medium during a spiritualistic session. Mediums often create this material as a result of manifesting ghosts. They are thought to be either neutral colors like black grey, white. Although they stay above one individual or place, it is believed that they can move around extremely fast. 

2) Funnel Ghosts 

Funnel ghosts are most commonly seen in historical buildings or homes. They are frequently associated with a drop in temperature. They take a shape of a swirling funnel. Many paranormal experts believe that they are a loved one, relative or former owner of the home, coming back to visit. 

3) Poltergeist 

Poltergeist is one of the most common terms used when referring to a ghost. Most likely due to the word's popular usage in movies recently. The word poltergeist actually means noisy ghost. This type of entity is believed to have the ability to move objects, change the physical environment , and make loud noises. 

4) Orbs 

Orbs are the type of ghost most photographed or recorded on video. They tend to appear as a transparent circle of blue or white light suspended in the background. 

Orbs are known to move around from one place to another. Their circular shape makes it easier to take motion. It is often recognized as the first shape they take on before becoming more human-like. 

5) Demons 

Demons are not the type of entity that you want to interact with. I strongly suggest not making any attempts to contact or summon a demon. They are known for being extremely powerful and unpredictable. Demons posses the brawny ability to haunt homes, objects, and people. They can cause extreme physical and emotional harm to their victims. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!      



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