Scary Story: Mean Girlfriend


 It was friday night and Jasmine was having really good time at her college party. At 11:45, she left and tried to contact her roommate (Sara) to pick her up. But she was not responding. Finally, Sara received the call. Jasmine ask her to pick her up and she said have you seen the time, it's really late. 

Sara: You said you will be free by 9, I was waiting for your call and then I fall asleep. 

Jasmine: Sorry, I can't keep track of the time. You please come and pick me up. 

Sara: It's nearly midnight Jasmine. No way, I can't drive in the night. There is a 12'00 bus in the norman street. You can be able to catch that bus if you hurry towards the bus stop. I am going to sleep, I have to wake up early for work, tomorrow. Bye...

When Sara refused to pick up Jasmine, She start walking towards bus stop. She was feeling unsafe while walking alone this late. She was thinking about few incidents happened on this road at midnight. It didn't take her long to reach the bus stop as she was walking fast. She quickly reached for the bus stand timetable and felt relief when she saw 12:00 bus for norman street. There were still two minutes left till midnight. Jasmine realise that there was not anyone else in the bus stop, waiting for bus apart from her.She start scrolling her phone, by the time she heard coughing, crawling sound. She got scared. 

Jasmine: Weird. 

She again start scrolling her phone, but again she heard that sound. But this time even, she saw a shadow like figure coming towards her. She was totally frightened and silent. She start shivering. By the time bus arrived, without wasting any time she quickly got into the bus and felt relief. When bus moved off she looked outside to she if the man was still there. But, he was gone. 

Jasmine felt safe in bus among other passengers and closed her eyes to rest for some time, until her stop came. Jasmine got out of the bus and started walking towards her apartment. Her apartment was nearly 10 minutes walk away from the stop. As she was walking towards her building, she constantly felt like someone following her. But she was too afraid to look behind. She keeps on walking, finally she reached her  apartment building. She went to the lift and takes a deep breath of relief and suddenly she start hearing same sound of coughing and crawling. She saw some sort of figure infront on her. She was totally scared and got unconscious. 

When her eyes opened, she was in her room and Sara was standing infront of her. 

Sara: Are you Ok? 

Jasmine: What happened? 

Sara: You passed out in the lift! Are you feeling Ok? 

Jasmine: I saw him! 

Sara: Who? 

Jasmine: William 

Sara: Are you serious? William is dead! 

Jasmine: Then why does he came following me! It wasn't my fault! It was an accident. 

Jasmine starts crying. 

                                                         5 Months Ago 

William was a quiet nature guy, who was madly in love with Jasmine. However, Jasmine always took her boyfriend for granted. She was selfish, mean. But william always look passed her rude behaviour and let's thing go into his kind nature.   

One night, Jasmine borrowed her friends car and decided to go to hill station with william. William had an important college assignment to submit the next day. But, he still agreed to go because Jasmine wouldn't take no for an answer. He knew that she would spend a week arguing with him, if he didn't do as she wants. It was cold at that night. The hill station was almost 3 hours away and they were nearly half way through the journey. Beside the road to the hill station being quiet rough, Jasmine was driving carelessly. This was really worrying william. 

William:  Babe, would you please drive a bit slow?  The weather doesn't look too good. 

Jasmine: Why are you being such a loser? Don't teach me how to drive! I know what I am doing! 

William: You driving really rough! It's worrying me. Please slow down a bit! 

Jasmine: Oh God! Stop telling me, what to do! 

William: All I am asking you to drive a little carefully! What if the car breaks down? I told you I have important assessment tomorrow and I have to be home early tonight! 

Jasmine: That's it! 

She stops the car! 

Jasmine: All you care about is your stupid assignment! You are so selfish! You completely ruined my mood! 

William: Babe, why are you getting so angry? I was only little worried! That's all! 

Jasmine: I don't think, I want to go to hill station with you any more! Just get out of the car right now! 

William: Wait! wo...wo...Look, I am sorry! You are right, I was acting really stupid! I promise you willn't hear any word from me! 

Jasmine: I said, just get out of the car! 

William goes out of the car. 

William: Please babe, Let me in! It's freezing out here. How I am supposed to get home? 

Jasmine: Not my problem! 

Jasmine starts driving! 

It was really cold at that night! Even it start raining. William was shivering and was crying for help. 

William: Somebody please help me! I will die here! Somebody help me! Somebody please help me! 

                                                                    1 hour later 

Jasmine was driving her car, suddenly she saw the phone of william over his seat. 

Jasmine: Oh God! He left his phone in the car! What a loser! Now, I have to go back! 

Jasmine goes back at that place, She saw William dead on the side of the road due to cold. 

Jasmine got scared! She speeds up her car and came home! 

William's dead body was never found and Jasmine didn't tell anyone the truth! 

                               Back to the time or After 5 months of William's death   

Jasmine was crying infront of the Sara! 

Jasmine: He is watching me! 

Sara: I can't keep repeating the same thing, over and over again! William is dead! I have many work tomorrow! Let me sleep please! 

Sara goes out of the room, Jasmine again start crying. Again she heard the same sound of crying and crawling and william's spirit infront of her! 

The guilt of William's death didn't let Jasmine rest in peace and she eventually ended up in a mental asylum. 

Also read: Scary Story: House on fire

Note: If you have any questions, Let us know in the comment section below! 



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