5 Coincidences That Will Defy Everything You Know

 5 Coincidences That Will Defy Everything You Know 

Have you ever had such a coincidental experience that the feeling has stuck with you for years? 

These stories are true and I have gathered them from different sources. 

Here are 5 Coincidences That Defy Everything You Know. 

1) Six years ago, because of my drinking, I'd been homeless for about 8 months. I'd been at a shelter for a few weeks and one day, as I walked from the library back to the shelter for dinner, I decided I couldn't take anymore. I was ready to kill myself. That prior August my mother had passed away, so on the street that evening I said to her, I can't take it anymore, mom. Help me. 

Back at the shelter, after dinner, us bums waited for showers and bedtime.That evening the shelter had more residents than usual and many of them needed clean socks or underwear,etc. 

On this night, it wasn't scheduled, but the shelter opened the basement where they kept donated clothes. I didn't need anything, but I was bored, so I went downstairs. I browsed the racks and didn't find anything to my liking so I headed for the stairs. That's where I found LeMutt. Lemutt is a toy, a little stuffed dog, and I'd had one when I was a kid. In fact, I clearly remembered my mother and I in the store, 20+ years ago, buying him. I was in 3rd grade then.

I asked a volunteer if he knew where the dog came from. He shook his head. This was and still is, a men's homeless shelter.People were not dropping off stuffed animals for the junkies and drunks. I don't know where the dog came from, but I kept him. Still got him. Anyway, my life is much better, and different, today. I'm set to graduate with a BFA next month. Life is really, good. Thanks, Mom. I love you. 

2) When I was about 12 I had a terrible nightmare in which two planes collided in mid air. It was extremely vivid and I woke up in a panic. My bedroom was right next to the family bathroom and after about 30 mins of lying in bed freaking out I noticed the landing light come on and knew that a parent was heading to the bathroom. Now by twelve I wasn't the sort to bother my parents about nightmare any more, but I was convinced there was going to be a plane crash, so I rushed out to my mum and told her everything. She said I was being stupid and that I should just read and try to get back to sleep. The next morning my mum comes rushing into my room and pulls me out of bed and has my dad with her. 
She asks me to tell him about my nightmare and then they both looked freaked out. They insisted that I went downstairs with them to watch the news. I thought they were pranking me or something but when I got down breakfast news was running a story about this we later worked out that I'd woken up around about the time the crash itself took place. Nothing like this has happened since. 

3) I worked at a library for a very long time, and in and effort to not lose my soul, I collected stuff I found in books. My favorite discovery was a hilarious postcard between two friends. I immediately thought, I'd like to met these people. I kept it next to my computer for a few years. 

After a few years passes, I'm going through my papers and find a postcard from my girlfriend that I don't recognize. It takes me a few minutes to understand that I'n reading the postcard I'd put aside years earlier, between someone who was now my girlfriend and another person I'd come to know as a friend. It was probably the weirdest event in a series of events that defied probability regarding a ton of surreal linking events in our lives.

4) In high school in Los Angeles I drove a friend down to Dana point, CA to look at a car on sale on Craigslist. At the house of the car owner I shared a moment with the cute girl living next door via prolonged eye contact as she left her house. Friend bought the car. We left. 

Five years later I move to south Orange county and take a job near Dana Point and start dating a girl I sort of worked with. When I went to her house for the first time I stopped cold while walking up her driveway as I realized where I was. It was the house. She was the girl. She asked me what was wrong because she could almost literally see my mind exploding. I told her the story, and we shared another moment on that same lawn from 5 years before. 

we're getting married next july. 

5) A couple years back, I had a dream of my grandfather, who I wasn't particularly close to by any means. In my dream I saw his casket formally covered by an american flag, he served in the military. He stood next to me in a room full of mourners and held my hand. He told me not to follow him out of the doors when he left. I watched him leave. When I woke up and went downstairs to get breakfast and call my father to tell him happy birthday, my older brother informed me that my grandfather had just passed away in his sleep while I also slept. 

 Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!!


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