Soul Contracts: Agreements We Made Before Coming To EARTH

Soul Contracts: Agreements we made before coming to earth 

Before we are born we are asked just one question by our soul family. What is it you would like to learn this lifetime?  Depending upon our answer, the soul contracts are formed.

If we wish to learn love, we will be shown hate, and no matter the lesson, we ask that the opposite is brought to us. If we wish to learn patience, we will not ask to be surrounded by Zen Masters, but rather people who will push our buttons and annoy us to the ends of the earth. 

This is obvious that our soul contracts depend upon these lessons, which we want to learn. Self development can be a deeply painful process that by nature requires us to be scrubbed. It is in the repetitive scrubbing of a diamond that it gains its sparkle and we are no different. 

We get removed from the center by x amount which is directly proportionate to how much we have chosen to learn. It is through learning and growth that we come back to our center with the tools that were required to bring ourselves home. 

The flip side of our return to balance is expressed directly as growth. 

The universe in its infinite love for us will continue to send us lessons, and one of the most frustrating truths to accept is as follows: Wow, you learned a lesson, you overcome a problem? 

Congratulations, here is your reward, The Another Problem. Each time we show the universe that we can take the heat, life becomes a little hotter! It is simply one of the painful aspects of this path of learning, yet it is beautiful of the growth we experience from it. 

The main thing to remember here is that it is our friends who come to teach us these lessons. It is our soul friends who hurt us, our friends who betray us and our friends who give us our opportunities to learn. 

In order for these experiences to seem real, we naturally forget that they are our friends when we cross over the river of forgetfulness(birth). If you would rather be happy than right, just pretend that they love you, it will definitely change your perspective!!

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!  


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