Ghost Paper Challenge

 Ghost Paper Challenge 

Ghost Paper Challenge is one of the horror game, in which we call a spirit to give answers of our questions. 

Requirements : 

1) At least one player (more than one can also play this game)

2) One Paper

3) One Pen or Pencil

4) Candle 

5) Lighter

6) One dark room. 

7) Timekeeping Device. 

8) Three questions. 

Initial steps to start Ghost Paper Challenge 

1) Start it before 3 AM. 

2) Switch off all the lights of the house. 

3) Go to the room, in which you want to play this game. 

4) Close the door behind you. 

5) Place the paper on the floor, infront of the door.

6) Place the candle near the piece of paper and light up the candle. 

7)  Place your eye on the timekeeping device. 

8) At 3 AM, knock on the door three times. 

9) Repeat this phrase three times: "Spirit of the door, I welcome you, make yourself present and come through." 

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Main steps of the game: 

1) Write your first question on the paper, by using pen or pencil. After writing, pass the paper with pen or pencil halfway through the crack between the door and the floor. 

2) If paper remains where it is: If paper remains still in its position, it means summoning has failed. Don't proceed. Extinguish the candle and try again another time.  

If paper is pulled through to the other side of the door: If paper is pulled through to the other side of the door, it means summoning has succeeded. You may proceed to this game. 

3) If paper don't reappear: If paper don't reappear then you should not proceed this game. Apologize from the spirit and thank the spirit for giving its time to you. Extinguish the candle. Don't open the door until daylight. 

If the paper comes back to you: If paper comes back to you, read the answer. 

4) Write your second question on the paper with pen or pencil. After writing, pass the paper with pen or pencil through the crack between the door and the floor. 

5) If paper remains where it is: If paper remains where it is, it means summoning has failed. Don't proceed. Extinguish the candle and try again another time. 

If paper is pulled through to the other side of the door: It means summoning has succeeded. You may proceed to this game. 

6) If paper don't reappear: If paper don't reappear then you should not proceed this game. Apologize from the spirit and thank the spirit for giving its time to you. Extinguish the candle. Don't open the door until daylight. 

If the paper comes back to you: If paper comes back to you, read the answer. 

7) Write your third and last question on paper with pen or pencil. After writing, pass the paper with pen or pencil through the crack between the door and the floor. 

8) If paper remains where it is: If paper remains where it is, it means summoning has failed. Don't proceed. Extinguish the candle and try again another time. 

If paper is pulled through to the other side of the door: It means summoning has succeeded. You may proceed to this game. 

9) If paper don't reappear:  If paper don't reappear then you should not proceed this game. Apologize from the spirit and thank the spirit for giving its time to you. Extinguish the candle. Don't open the door until daylight. 

If paper comes back to you:  If paper comes back to you, read the answer. 

Good Bye to Spirit: 

1) Thank the spirit and extinguish the candle. 

2)  Keep the door shut, until the sun rises.  

Note: If you have any questions, Let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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