11 Creepy True Stories

 True stories that will scare you

1) A few years ago my brother would get a call on his cellphone around 2:00-3:00 AM, every night. When he use to answer the call, hellish sound start coming. Like static mixed with screams. He changed his cell number after a month of this and it stopped. 

Then after a week or so it began again. The exact same noise and at exact same time. Finally one day he decided to call back on the same number. It was an old man that had no clue what he was talking about. Still the calls persisted. If he didn't answer, it would call a few more times. No messages were left. 

He decided to say screw it. Ended his contract with his phone company, switched to a new one, and then got another new number. You guessed it, the screaming static calls continued after a short delay. By this time he was terrified every night. Unsure why this was happening. He back dialed the number again and got a different person. 

Around this time he lost his job and his phone. The calls stopped of course. His phone was disconnected now. So one day my mom asks me to listen to this weird message she got on our home phone. It was the static screaming. We showed my brother and he was freaking out. He back dialed the number again and it said the number was disconnected this time. 

Never heard from it again after that.

2) My grandfather died last year sometime when my son was maybe a year old. We had dinner with the whole family every friday night so my son had seen him several times. My grandfather was a very quiet, proud man, but when he thought he was alone or unseen he would make silly faces at my son to get a laugh. A couple nights after his funeral my son started just laughing uncontrollably at like 2 am. So I get out of bed to see what's going on, and find my son sitting in the middle of the living room, in the dark, laughing. 

I say "hey buddy what are you doing?" In toddler speak he says "Papa funny!" I got a little nervous for some reason and went to pick him up and bring  him to our room for the rest of the night. And as I'm hauling him away he says Bye Papa! And blows a kiss at absolutely nothing I can see. 

3) This happened to a friend of mine- she told me about it a year or so ago. We'll call her Minji.

Minji is in her late 20s, and works as an english tutor in South korea. One evening, a few years ago, she was tutoring a high school boy. They were up studying pretty late, and the buses stopped running. Being a long way from his house, the boy asked if he could crash on her floor overnight and get the first bus the next morning.

Minji was very reluctant, because inviting a teenage male student to stay the night didn't sound like a great idea, but he was begging her and eventually she relented. They went back to her one room apartment, and she got into the bed, while he laid a blanket out on the floor and they both fell asleep. 

A few hours later, at may be 2 am, the boy wakes Minji up. I am really hungry, he says, Let's go get some food. Minji opens her eyes and looks up at him in disbelief. Food? Now? It's 2 am, go back to bed. But the student insists, no, I'm so hungry, let's eat something now. She tells him that there is some ramen in the kitchen,and he can fix himself some. This does not satisfy him- he does not want ramen, there is a 24 hour place just down the road, let's go there.

Eventually, after several minutes of persuasion, the boy get Minji to come with him to the restaurant. They leave the apartment and head out. As soon as they are on the street, the boy turns to Minji and says I am not hungry. I woke up in the middle of the night, and looked under your bed. There's a man sleeping there. 

They call the police, and discover that a homeless man had been living in Minji's apartment, sleeping under her bed, for over 2 months. The boy only saw him because he was lying on her floor, so had a clear view under the bed. 

The police arrested the man, and thankfully there were no other issues, but that's by far the creepiest thing that is ever happened to anyone. I know.      

4) None from me but I remember a story a high school teacher told me that always stuck with me. 

My former teacher was home alone when she was a child at some point in the 70's probably. A man knocked on her door and she opened her main door but kept her screen door locked. He said he was from the gas company and wanted to talk to her parents. She told him they were not home and he, without missing a beat, tried to start forcing his way into the home. When he found the screen door to be locked he pulled out a box cutter and started to cut through the screen. 

My teacher ran to hide in a clothes hamper in her parent's closet. She said she sat there for about 10 minutes before the police arrived. Thank god a neighbour saw everything and called the police or she probably would be dead. Also to put the cherry on the freaking creepy sundae, they found the intruder hiding in the attic. 

She told us that as cautionary tale to lock all doors and windows when home alone. Of course naturally I would go home from school to be alone for hours. Doom. 

5) A few weeks ago my wife and I were sleeping together, when I woke up to her saying What are you doing? She sometimes talks in her sleep, but this sounded so urgent that it jolted me awake and I asked what she was talking about. She then woke up and said she thought she saw someone at the end of the bed. Thinking it was just a dream, we thought nothing of it and went back to sleep. 

About an hour later, I woke up and saw someone standing on the bed, with the sheets wrapped up and twisted to their neck. I didn't know what to do but the first thing that came out of my mouth was What are you doing? My wife then woke me up. I had been dreaming that exact same thing that she did, and said the exact same thing. 

I know it's the power of suggestion or whatever, I don't know what had happen on that day. 

6) When I was in eighth grade I went on a school trip that was called the Louisiana Tour. It was mostly going around to significant sights in south Louisiana. One of the places we went was Myrtles Plantation, which is considered to be one of the most haunted places in the country. 

There are all kinds of stories about the place, but at one point we were standing in a room as a part of a larger group and the tour guide was talking about something, I don't remember what. As I'm standing there I start to hear what sounds like someone hitting a piano key. After I heard it a couple of times I started to look around for the source of the noise. 

I didn't see a piano, but I kept hearing it. So I asked my friends who were standing near me if they heard it, they said no. When I heard it again I said there is it again and that they must have heard it. They thought I was crazy. 

So I went back to looking around the room. Everyone's eyes were on the tour guide except for one woman. She caught my eye and pointed at me and then at her ear with a questioning look. I realized she was asking if I heard it too and I nodded. 

At this point the tour guide starts telling a story about a solider who had died there and that he played the piano and multiple guests had reported hearing him playing in the night. 

I honestly didn't know what to think, I guess I still don't. I talked to the woman as we were all leaving the room and she had heard the exact same thing as me, but her husband and son had not heard it. 

7) I posted this story before to another thread a while ago, but this seems like the perfect place for it, and it's fairly short, so here it is.....

When I was growing up one of my best friends told me about a very creepy situation involving him, his younger brother, and a man in the window. When my friend and his little brother were younger they shared a bedroom. They're some years apart, but his younger brother was born with a multitude of different health issues, including multiple sclerosis, and he's confined to a wheelchair and cannot care for himself. So, to keep an eye on him overnight when his parents could not, they shared a bedroom. 

One night my friend randomly woke up for no in particular reason and happened to glance over at his younger brother, but noticed something very startling; a strange silhouette of a man wearing a top hat looking in through the window behind his younger brother's crib. The first thing my friend did was jump up and turn the light on, then ran into his parents room to tell them what he saw. When his parents came back into their room to investigate, his younger brother was having a seizure in his crib. 

A few of his family members say it was his younger brother's guardian angel standing in the window that night; my friend believes it was death. 

It's all still pretty unsettling to me. 

8) It reminds me of this doll my brother gave me after visiting mexico when I was a kid. It was just a standard doll with Traditional Mexican dress and I immediately loved her and went to sleep clutching the doll. 

I normally didn't have nightmares as a kid and if I did, they were very tame. Nothing crazy. The thing is as soon as I started sleeping with this doll by my side, I started having super violet, scary dreams where I or family members and even strangers would get harmed. I would wake up screaming sometimes too. 

I eventually told my mom about it and her eyes immediately went to the doll and she told me she would be throwing it away. I protested a bit then gave it to her. After that night, the nightmares completely went away. Maybe it was coincidence, maybe not but it still creeps me out. 

9) Hard to say what qualifies as creepy. It could maybe seen as heartwarming. I don't know. My mother swears this is a true story and frankly, I don't see why she would lie about it. 

My mom had three kids. There is me, the youngest, and my older brother- but before either of us were born, there was jonathan. He was a little blonde boy, big blue eyes, known for accidentally repeating Dad's swears in church. Wholesome kid, great in school, active outside. 

When he was almost six, he was riding his bicycle and fell and hit his head on a rock. He got up and said he felt fine. My mom found him the next morning in his bed when she tried to wake him up to get to kindergarten, one pupil dilated and the other not. She got him air-lifted to the nearest hospital. 

During this time, Jonathan's best friend Nick was sitting at the breakfast table eating cereal. Nick suddenly gets up from the table and goes to the door. When his mom asks him what's up, Nick says that johnny was calling for him. 

You see, Nick and Johnny lived on separate blocks, but they weren't allowed to cross the street without a parent yet because they were still fairly young. But they lived close enough to call to one another to come out to talk at their respective street corners. 

So Nick goes out to the street corner while his mother receives a call from my mother that Johnny was just declared dead in the hospital. Nick's mom can hardly handle this news and is now wondering where was son went. 

But Nick comes back a few minutes later and says that he heard Johnny calling to him but he wasn't at the street corner when he looked, then sits down to continue eating his cereal. When his mom asks Nick what Johnny was saying, Nick says he had come to say, Goodbye. 

My mom told me this story when I was young but it's stuck with me. I wish I could have met him. But truthfully, I wouldn't be here to type this story to all you random strangers if he hadn't died; my mother only wanted two kids. I'm thankful for the chance I was given to live, and feel like he died for me sometimes. I'm not religious, but I do feel spiritual when I think of Johnny. 

10) Before my family and I moved to another state, my father went and visited the area to check on the progress of our new house which was being built. My father was there for a few days and was staying at some crappy Motel 6 in a shady area of town. His room was the last room at the end of the hallway on the top floor. In the middle of the night on the last night he was in town he is woken by the phone ringing in his room. 

He groggily answers. It was the front desk and they say something alone the lines " Sorry to wake you, but we have been receiving a couple of reports about rooms being broken into and some stuff being stolen. We are calling to make sure you lock your door and are safe." My father replies that he is fine and hangs up. He decides to go double check that he locked the door. 

As he sits up in bed he notices that the door to his room is ajar. Being spooked, he cautiously checks the room and finds that nothing is missing and no one else is in the room. He creeps to the door and peaks out. Sitting right outside his room on the window sill of the hallway window is his shaving kit. Creep out of his mind, he quickly grabs it and locks the door. 

After he gets normal he calls down to the front desk and says "Hey, you just called me about the break ins around the hotel, and I just want to report that my room was broken into when I was sleeping, nothing stolen and I am fine. Figured you would like to know" 

The front desk replies, "You must be mistaken, we never called your room and we have not received any reports of breaks ins" 

11) My wife's mother passed away in 2003 from cancer. After the funeral, family and friends gathered at her house. The gathering went late into the evening. My son, 3 at the time, needed to go to bed at that point. 

I walked with him up the stairs to where he would sleep. The room that my mother-in-law passed away in was upstairs, and straight down the hallway as you reached the top of the landing. My son and I walked upstairs together, with me holding his hand. As we nearly reached to top of the stairs, my son stopped and would not move, at the point which he could just see down the hallway. He was staring straight down the hall. I looked at him, then down the hall to an open doorway to a completely dark bedroom. He just stared, and would not move any further. I asked him "Are you OK?" His response was "Daddy. The light. The light scares me". I looked again down the hallway where he was staring into darkness. "Buddy, you see a light?" Yes daddy. It scares me. 

I promptly picked him up and went back downstairs. To this day, the hairs still stand on the back of my neck when I think of it. 

Note: If you have any questions, Let us know in the comment section below! 



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