Scary Story: Trip To Airbnb

Scary Story: Trip To Airbnb 

 Back in the 2019, I went to trip with three of my good friends from college. We booked a large four bed cabin in the mountains, about a month in advance. When we booked it, the listed said that the basement was off limits. I think it's OK because some people like to keep some part of their house private. 

When we arrived there, the cabin looked much larger than the picture uploaded on the website. It was awesome, beautiful. It has a huge lobby and balcony with an amazing view of outside. Inside, they have fireplace and big kitchen area. There was a door near the kitchen which leads to basement. I tried opening it but it was locked then I quickly remembered that the website said about It being off limits. I just left it because rest of the cabin was mindblowing. 

It also have some of the games in it ludo, Card game, Chess and Carrom. My three friends and I were so exhausted from the long two days trip out there, that we ended up straight going to bed the first night. 

The bedroom, I stayed in was right next to the door to basement. Around 2 in the morning on the first night, I was woken up from a sound sleep by a strange scratching sound followed by soft screaming. I have not ever heard, anything like this before. I heard the sound coming from behind the basement door. But, as soon as I went next to the door, the sound stopped. I decided to shut all the lights off and stand beside of the door, waiting to start it again. It must have been about 15 minutes for something chilling happened. All of the suddenly, I began to hear the same disturbing sounds again. This time the soft crying changes into heavy weeping. It sounded as if someone tries to escape from the basement. I didn't know, what to think because we were just guest in this Airbnb. But at the same time, we thought that we were alone. This is new information for me and I have to tell my friends about what happened. 

Next morning, I told them what had happened. They didn't believed me at first. But afterwards they decided to wake up at 2:00 AM  with me to hear what was going on. 

Next night, same sounds of scratching and weeping were coming from the basement. Then, my friends believe me after hearing it themselves. One of my friend, suggested to knock on the door, to see what happen. I thought it was a terrible idea because we had no idea that what was done there. We still had four more nights at this place. So, we needed a solution or we wouldn't be able to sleep for next of the days. We decided to go with knocking on the door but beforehand we found objects around the cabin that we could use as weapons just in case something bad happens. We brace ourselves for the worst as Trevor knocked. Immediately we heard footsteps racing down the basement stairs and then complete silence. 

Now we knew something strange was going on. We waited for five minutes and we couldn't hear anything. Trevor went ahead and knocked a door but this time something more bad happened. Something was racing up. Footsteps were not so fast they got louder and louder with every step. We all step back from the door just in time as the door flew open right in front of our faces. All the lights were off so we could hardly see anything. 

Right after the door flew open, we saw a dark long-haired lady in front of us. It bolted towards the front door. I yelled hey what are you doing? Then, dark figure opened the door into the frigid cold. It looked backed at me. This time the porch lights allowed us to see everything. 

Also Read: Scary story: Crazy Love

Behind its long dark hair, we saw its face about the same colour as the snow outside. Its eyes were bloodshot and I saw a blood running down the side of its mouth and then we noticed it was carrying something in its arms. It appeared to be a small child. The child's eyes were also bloodshot, before we could get another word out it bolted out the door with the child into the freezing cold leaving the door wide open letting the freezing air come inside. 

We slammed it shut locked it and then threw as much furniture infront of the door as we could. Whatever that thing was, we didn't want it coming back. 

Trevor started calling the police and as he was dialing he saw it staring directly at him through the window at the side of the cabin. Trevor dropped the phone out of shock and we all ran to the upstairs bedroom and slammed the door shut. 

The only working phone we could call the police with was now on the downstairs floor. We were stuck inside the upstairs bedroom and none of us were willing to make a run for the phone. 

We decided to stay together in there until the morning. None of us wanted to sleep because of what we just witnessed. It seemed as if we just interrupted a witch in the middle of performing one of her witchcraft rituals. 

The next morning we slowly walked downstairs together to check if anything was out of place. It looked as if everything was okay. None of us dared to walk down in the basement. We were too afraid of what we might find. We grabbed the phone and called the police to have them inspect the cabin and the basement. 

We told the officers what had happened the night before. They had a hard time believing us at first until they went down into the basement. 

We could not believe what they found, the entire basement was covered in witchcraft symbols and the carpet was all torn up. It seemed as if the kid had been trying to escape. 

The police also found multiple syringes covered in blood. It was clearly some sort of witchcraft ritual that we had intervened. 

Police called the host of the Airbnb to inform him about what had happened in his property. The host claims to have no idea about what was going on in the basement. Then, we let the cops know about what the Airbnb listing said about the basement being off-limits because we had a hard time believing it was all a coincidence. To this day, we still don't know what exactly happened that night in the Swiss Alps. 

After this experience, my friends and I never booked another Airbnb with something off-limits. This experience scarred us for life. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!!  


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