Scary Story: Moon Face

 Scary story: Moon Face 

Moon Face is a scary story about an old Irish superstitions about the lunar cycle and the face of the moon. 

In past there was many superstitions about the moon in Ireland. People used to believe that it's unlucky to see the full moon reflected in a mirror. Even, some believes that it's most unlucky moment when the light of the full moon shines on your face when you are slept. If this incident happened, it meant that you are going to die. 

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Once's there was a Irish girl who used to live with her family. She had her own bedroom. She needed some place to keep her jewellery and makeup. So, her mother gave her a wooden cabinet. Inside the door of cabinet, there was a mirror. Her mother gave her advise to keep that door shut at the night time. Even, she used to follow the advise of her mother but someone's she forget too. 

One night, she was sleeping in her bedroom and she woke up because something was shining in her eyes. As she opened her eyes, she saw that the door of the cabinet was open and she was able to see the reflection of the moon in the mirror. It was shining through the branches of a tree outside.

When the girl was going to get out of the bed and close the cabinet door, then suddenly she noticed something strange relating to the moon. 

She saw in the mirror, it looked like if the moon had a face. It resembled the face of a dead man, all yellow and rotten with spots and pock- marks all over it. 

The girl was scared and covered her head with a blanket. When she bring her face, out of the blanket..the moon was normal. She breathed a sign of relief. 

After that, she heard a rustling noise at the foot of her bed. The girl saw a dead man standing in her bedroom. She was totally scared and frightened. His face was round just like a moon and his flesh was hanging off, revealing the misshapen skull underneath.  He grabbed the girl from her toes and dragged her out of bed. 

She tried to kick him but it was of no use. He pulled her into the mirror and closed the cabinet door behind him. 

Next morning, when the girl's mother came into the bedroom to wake her, there was no one. She searched for her but it was of no use then she opened the door of the wooden cabinet and saw the mirror was spattered with blood. 

Also read: Scary Story: My Mother

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 



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