Scary Story: Jealous Eyes

 Jealous Eyes 

Jealous Eyes is a Scary Story. This story is from Russia about a girl who can't stop playing a creepy record. 

Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived with her mother and grandmother. The grandmother was very ill and spent her final days in bed while the girl and her mother took care of her. 

One Mid-night, a grandmother suddenly sat up in a bed and grabbed the girl's arm. 

"Don't use the old green record player", the old woman buzz. Then she lay back down, closed her eyes and died. The girl and her mother buried the old woman in the cemetery. 

After the funeral, the mother said to the girl, You must respect your grandmother's dying wish and never play with the green record player." 

Sadly, the girl was very errant and didn't listen to her mother. One day, while the mother was at work, the girl took out the green record player and started playing a record. 

Instead of music, there was just static coming from the speakers. Then she heard a terrible voice singing. 

Run!Run! To the door!!

Green Eyes!Green Eyes! 

Now strangle the little girl 

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!!! 

Immediately, the girl heard the door knocker and she immediately turned off the record player. She opened the front door and found her mother standing there. The girl was shocked when her mother held out her arms to hug her. Her mother's hand were missing. 

Another time, while her mother was at work, the girl once again put on a record. Again, the terrible voice sang: 

Run!Run! To the door! 

Green Eyes! Green Eyes!

Now strangle the little girl! 

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!!! 

A few minutes later, the girl heard something thumping against the front door. When she opened it, she saw her mother lying on the ground outside. The girl's mother dragged herself into the house by using the stumps of her arms. 

Then the mother fall in on the floor and the girl saw that her mother's legs had been chopped off at the knees. 

"Look what you've done," cried her mother. You've ruined me!! Now will you stop playing that green record? 

The girl promised never to play the record again. The next morning, the girl's mother dragged herself out of the front door and crawled to work on the stumps of her arms and legs. 

The girl sat in the living room, staring at the green record player. She knew she shouldn't play the record, but she couldn't help herself. She couldn't resist placing the green record on the turntable and placing the needle on the record. There was a screech of static and then the terrible voice began to sing: 

Run!Run! To the door! 

Green Eyes! Green Eyes! 

Now strangle the little girl! 

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise 

As soon as the singing stopped, the girl heard a knock on the front door. She tip-toed over to the door and cautiously looked through the peephole. She couldn't see anyone outside. 

The girl slowly turned the doorknob and the door creaked open wide. She stared in horror at what was outside. There, infront of her, reaching from the floor to the ceiling, stood a huge pair of green eyes. 

The girl heard a terrible voice saying "You didn't listen to your mother and now you will die." 

And the green eyes strangled the little girl. 

Also read: Scary story: Pizza Delivery

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!!    


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