Scary Story: Home Alone

Scary Story: Home Alone 

Mr and Mrs Peter had to go out that night for dinner with some friends. Therefore, for their two child's they arrange babysitter. The babysitter was supposed to arrive at 8:00 PM, but by 10 passed 8, she had not  arrived yet.

 Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Mrs Peter opens the door and she saw babysitter, she thanks babysitter for coming. 

Mrs Peter: We will be home late, may be around 1 in the morning. Please feed the kids and put them to bed by 9:30. I have prepared some snacks for the kids and put them in the fridge. If they give you a hard time sleeping, read them a story or something. All the story books are in their room. 

If there is any issue please call us, you have our number. 
Bye kids. See you later and be good ok. 

Babysitter: Bye...Enjoy your dinner. 

Babysitter known as Sofia, feed the kids and put them to bed at 9:30. By 10:30, kids were fast sleep. After putting kids to bed, she came downstairs in the sitting room, to watch TV. While watching the TV, Sofia felt a presence behind her. 

She turned around to check and found a clown doll on the other side of the room. It was unsettling to find something like that in the room. She felt as if the clown doll was staring back at her. But then she reminded herself that it was just a doll. It's late at night and I am sitting here all alone in the room. Maybe that's why I am having, all these creepy feelings. 

After dismissing these thoughts, she continued watching TV, to calm herself. After a while, she heard someone breathing. This scared her too much and she muted the tv. But, there was dead was totally quiet in the house. Also there was no sound coming from the kids room. 

Then she turned on the volume of the TV again and thinking it was all in her mind. While watching TV she felt that the doll was continuously watching her. A chill went down her spine, it was getting creepier and creepier. 

Eventually, she got sick of all these feelings and decided to move the doll into the another room. After moving the doll to the another room, she came back to the sitting room and continued watching TV. 

Now, Sofia was feeling very relaxed and comfortable. All those creepy feelings, that she was experiencing because of the doll were all gone. 

After a short while, Sofia's phone rang. It was mrs peter calling. 

Mrs Peter: Hii Sofia, how is everything? 
Did you put kids on bed on time? 
Sofia: Yes, mrs peter...everything is fine. The kids were great, they didn't give me any trouble. They had their food and slept on time. 
Mrs Peter: Wow, that's great. We will leave the party around 12:30. Let us know, if there is anything which you need. I will talk to you later. 
Sofia: One minute mrs peter. I wanted to tell you something..sounds a bit funny but your clown doll, that was in the sitting room. I have moved it to the another room. I don't know, I was feeling litter uncomfortable watching TV with it being in the room. I thought, I tell you. Is that OK? 
Sofia:  What clown doll? We don't have any clown doll in the sitting room 

The End 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!!   



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