5 Signs you have had a past life dream

5 Signs you have had a past life dream 
Have you had a past life dream? 

All of the past life memories don't always come when you are awake, even some persons had their past life memories through their dreams. 

If you have experience some sort of dream, that looks like unbelievably real, then information from past lives may be coming through your subconscious. 

When we sleep, our conscious mind closes and subconscious mind start working. If you have ever gone to bed upset and woken up feeling better, then that is your subconscious working and making changes within. Our dreams are our subconscious trying to communicate with you. 

5 Qualities of past life dreams are: 

 1) You don't look or behave like, you are in your real life
Have you ever had a dream, where you feel that you were not doing the things which you use to do in your life or your behaviour seems to be very different. A dream where you were someone else? This is the most common sign of past life dream. 

Most of your dreams will place you the first and major point of view and you will look as you do in this life. Most of the time, you are inside your body and watching the dream unfold as you move through it. 

If you are dreaming about your past life, then you may see yourself as a different person like different age, gender or anything like this. 

When you wake up from your dream and it seems like you didn't look like yourself in your dream then that point is major indication of a past life dream. 

2) They are repeating and unchanging 
Our regular dreams jump from one scene to another. They also have a rather fast pace and when remembering them can seem a bit random. Majority of the people are not deeply connected with their higher selves through the subconscious, s chaos reigns in our dreams. 

In our regular dreams, we can saw anything even which is unrealistic in real life like you are studying in your room and after some time goes towards bathroom and went to party hall......this types of dreams are normal and even we don't think in our dream that there is something wrong in it. 

But, When you have a past life dream then events are logical. This is because your subconscious isn't creating this dream, the source is higher, so you are truly an observer here. 

When that dream recur, they never change. You watch the same sequence of events each time with little or no change in it. 

3) Your spiritual issues are revealed 
Sometime in your life, you feel like something is missing from your life and feel confused about what is happening with you, you can't be happy like everyone else seems to be. If this sounds like you, it's highly likely that a past life can explain why this anxiety and depression are a part of your life. 

These are your unhealed issues and karmic dreams are often the missing keys to this understanding. We all have faced trauma's in our life but it can turn up in the current life as existential confusion that only a dream can explain. 

4) Your strange behaviors are explained 
In our life, we all have different personalities and we have different options and beliefs from others. But we all have some beliefs and superstitions that don't seem to match anything else about us. These beliefs are commonly carryovers from past lives and source of which can be revealed in a past life. 

In your past life, the belief likely made perfect sense, but here in this life, it just seems out of place and has no foundation in any of your experiences. 

Past lives influence your behaviors as well. They can explain some of your phobias. If you have no memory from this life that helps you understand why you do or don't do certain things in certain ways, it's likely from a past life. 

If you have a sense of understanding about your previously unexplained beliefs and behaviors after a dream, it is a sign that in your dream, you were actually tapping into a past life. 

5) They show historical detail
Regular dreams will have people, places and things which are somehow, same to your current life. It means you dream about, what you saw and what you thing. 

You will understanding that you are in past life dream when dreams involve historical settings or period clothing. It's possible that you will dream of being at significant events in history. The details will be clear and so will be the sensation of having been there before. 

On few occasions, I've had past life dreams where I was vividly experiencing something in the past. Everything n the dream was clearly a specific time period, except for me!!! I was still dressed in clothes from present days...This is a slight shift in how a past life dream with historical details may manifest. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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