15 Unknown Facts About Dreaming

 15 Unknown Facts About Dreaming 

Some people says that they don't dream, but that's not true.Normally, people forget about their dreams. Most people have between 4 and 6 dreams every night. But, You forget 95%  to 99% of all the dreams you have. 

Some facts about dreams are: 

1)  In dreams, we see different faces. But, we have seen all those faces in real life too. It's impossible to remember each and every face, which we come across each day. You might not remember the people in your dream, but they are all real people you have encountered in your life. 

2) Dreams are the part of sleeping process. Humans spend one- third of their lives sleeping.

3) You can't read when you are dreaming. If you are unsure whether you are dreaming or not start dreaming. 

4) A human's brain is usually awake while dreaming. The most vivid dreams take place within the Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (REM). An individual is often in the last third of his or her sleep cycle during a nightmare, which is the time when REM is in its strongest phase. This is reason you are unable to scream or you feel paralyzed even when the rest of your senses are vivid while having a nightmare. 

5) You can't count your fingers, while you are dreaming. Often you will have the wrong number of fingers and the number may change while you trying to count them. 

6) If you will look at your face in the mirror, there will be something wrong in it. Maybe your skin color will be different or you will not be able to recognise yourself. 

7) Longer dreams take place in the morning. You can observe it by implementing in your life or by experimenting it. 

8) While most people report dreaming in color, but some people claim to only dream in black and white. People who are under the age of 30 rarely report dreaming in black and white. People over the age of 50-60, report black and white dreams. 

9) Researchers have found some differences between the dreams of men and women. Men's dreams tend to have more aggressive content and physical activity. Whereas, on the other hand women's dream contain more conversation and less physical activity. 

10) Some people suffer from sleep paralysis. During sleep, they wake up, unable to move and observe something negative around them. 

11) Some people do have precognitive dreams sometime. In which they dreamt about something that later came true. 

12) Majority of our dreams are linked to our life. Person, product or anything about which we keep on thinking and talking, comes in our dream.

13) You can control your dream. A lucid dream is one in which you are aware that you are dreaming even though you are still asleep. Lucid dreaming is thought to be a combination of both consciousness and REM sleep, during which you can control the dream content. 

14)  Blind people also dream, they dream according to their visual imagery and they also have eye movements that correlated to visual dream recall. 

15) Dreams are more negative than positive. Three most important emotions felt during dreaming are anger, sadness and fear. 

Also Read: Scary story: Brownsville Road

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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