3 Types of Psychic Dreams

 3 Types Of Psychic Dreams 

Dreams are very powerful way to connect with spiritual guidance. While sleeping your mind is quiet and you have plenty of time to directly connect with your subconscious mind and with the divine. 

Our every dream have a purpose and hold important insight and healing to support our lives. The average human being sleep about 7 hours a night, means 1/3rd of a lifetime! With this much time invested, there is of course insight revealed within our dreamtime. 

1) Precognitive Dreams 

Precognitive dreams are when you see future events before they unfold. 

When anyone hears about precognitive dreaming, they assume it's about forecasting tragedies, disasters or other dark scary subject matter right out of the movies. This can and does happen, but just as often as not, precognitive dreams are completely positive and tied to seeing positive future possibilities. 

Have you ever, seen the future in anyone of your dreams? 

If your answer is "no" just because you've never solved a crime or foretold a death while dreaming, that doesn't mean that you're not dreaming about future events. 

I had a precognitive dream where in my dream, I am suddenly in a new place. 

The dream is really just me being there, looking around and experiencing the new location. Now that I've had so many of these location based precognitive dreams validated by ending up in the exact location I've dreamt about, I can now recognise when this type of dream when it occurs. 

Other precognitive dreams are simply about basic life events. 

Have you ever had a dream about a family member that you hadn't seen in a while only to get a call from them shortly after? 

Sometimes precognitive dreams can be hard to identify from regular dreams. One of the best things you can do is to write down your dreams, by this way you will remember them more quickly and even you can check that which of your dreams come true.

This can help you to learn your common dreams types, symbols and patterns, so you can better understand and decipher your language of dreams. 

Also read: 15 Unknown facts of Dreaming

2) Telepathic Dreams 

Telepathic Dreams are those dreams where direct communication takes place. These dreams are different from dreaming about talking to someone, but really you are just talking to an aspect of your own subconscious in the form of the dream character. 

Telepathic dreams are where you actually telepathically communicate with your angles, guides, deceased loved ones, while yo are in a dream state. 

These types of dreams are vivid and incredibly real. Telepathic dreams happen when one person telepathically reaches out to call upon the other while they are in a dream state. 

In cases where both souls are very emotionally connected, they are then able to telepathically communicate through images, emotions and even more direct conversation. 

3) Clairvoyant Dreams 

 These dreams are vivid, realistic and captivating dreams that feature symbols, metaphors and events. 

These dreams can offer guidance for the dreamer in the present as well as insight into the future. Having very vivid and active dreams is actually a strong sign that you have clairvoyant abilities in your waking life too. 

Your guides and angels will often use clairvoyant dreams where they offer guidance through symbols and metaphors. By learning the nature of the symbols that appear, you can better understand and decipher the psychic meaning of dreams. 

A slight variation of a clairvoyant dream is the past life dream, where you actually tune into past life experiences through your dreams. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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