Scary Story: La Llorona

Scary Story: La Llorona 

La Llorona (Weeping Woman) is a legend about a woman who killed her both of the child's by drowning them in river and mourns their deaths for eternity, roaming Latin American areas as a ghost.

The legends says that her husband starts ignoring her and stop giving her time, but he loved their daughter and son instead. La Llorona caught her husband with other lady, therefore, she gets angry and killed her both of the child's by drowning them in river. Afterwards, she felt guilt and sad and she killed herself. 

She was refused entry to heaven until she found the souls of her children. She cries and takes children and once she realizes they aren't her own she drowns them in the same river where she and her children drowned.

La Llorona (Weeping Woman) has been part of hispanic culture since the 16th century Conquistadors. She have many different names. For example, In America she is called the Woman in White. The origin of the legend is unclear. La Llorona is a woman named Maria who was doomed to walk the earth in search of her children after she drowned them. 

In one variation, she was tricked by a demon, who told her that her children souls were lost, but that she would be granted entry to heaven is she found the souls and brought them to heaven where they belonged. The demon knew that her children's souls were already in heaven and that the woman would be stuck in the land of the living trying to find her children forever, crying continuously for the sin she had done. After a long time without finding her children, her grief and desperation to just be able to die and be at peace caused her to start taking other children's souls by drowning them. 

In another variation, a beautiful young woman named Maria lived in a rural village. She was from poor family, but she was beautiful and graceful. One day, one wealthy man was going through her village and stopped in his tracks. He had travelled whole of the world but he haven't seen anyone as beautiful as Maria was.He knew that he had to win her heart. Maria was easily charmed by him and he was charmed by her beauty, so when he proposed her...she immediately accepted. 

They both got married and Maria gave birth to two kids. Her husband was always travelling, he stopped giving his time to family. When he use to come home...he gives his attention to their children. One day he returned home with a young woman and bid his children farewell, ignoring Maria. 

Maria got angry and took her children to a river and drown them to it. When his anger came down, she searched for her children but flow of water have already carried them away.After some days, when her husband came home and asked for children, Maria started crying and said that she had drowned them in river. Her husband was furious and said that she could not be with him unless she found their children. 

She drowned herself. Now she spends eternity looking for her lost children in hell. She is always heard weeping for her lost children, earning her the name La Llorona which means "The Weeping Woman." 

It is said that if you hear her crying, he should run in the opposite direction. If you hear her cries, they could bring misfortune or even death. Many parents in Latin America tell this story to scare their children from staying out too late. 

La Llorona kidnaps wandering children at night, mistaking them for her own. She begs God to forgiveness but for this she needs to find her children. Persons who have seen her says that she appears at night or in the late evening by rivers or lakes, wearing a white gown with a veil. She scrapes the bottom of the rivers and lakes searching for her sons. It is said that when her wails sound near she is actually far and when she sounds distant, she is actually very near. 

At end...there is one movie known as The Curse of La Llorona. This movie is based on the Story of Maria or you can say Story of La Llorona or The Weeping Woman. 

Also read: Scary Story: Fake Teeth

Note: If you have any question, Let us know in the comment section below! 


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