Fake Teeth or An Artificial Teeth

 Fake Teeth or An Artificial Teeth

The Fake Teeth or An Artificial Teeth is a scary and creepy story about an aged homeless lady who finds a pair of an artificial teeth in the street. 

There was one lady, who was homeless. She use to slept on a road and everyday, she wandered around the city, rooting through garbage cans, looking for something to eat. As she had no brush, toothpaste,etc..to take care of her teeth, due to which her teeth fell out years ago. It was very difficult
for her to eat something. 

One night, when she was wandering through the streets , she saw something lying on the middle of an alley. She stopped there and start walking towards that thing, to have a clear vision of that thing. There was a pair of fake or an artificial teeth covered with a blood.

She felt very happy and lucky. She picked them up and wiped them off with an old cloth and stuck them in her mouth. Those pair of fake teeth were perfect for her. She wanted to test them, so she picked a tomato out of the garbage and bit into it. The fake teeth worked perfectly. 

After some time, the lady started to feel hungry. She searched through garbage cans and found a potato and carrots out of it. She started eating them. The more she ate, the hungrier she got. 

Afterwards, the lady saw one cat. She caught it, the cat started screeching and scratching. The lady didn't care. She just jammed it into her mouth, chewed it up and devoured it, tail and all. 

A policeman was walking his beat when he saw the lady gnawing on a lamp post. The policeman walked up to her and asked what she was upto. The old woman stopped nibbling on the lamp post and turned to face him. She had the biggest set of teeth he'd ever seen. 

She pounced on him and started gnashing her teeth. Clack!Clack! He tried to safe himself but she bit into his sleeve, tore off a piece of cloth and guzzled it down. She swallowed the policeman as a whole, when she was finished, all that was left was his badge and his handcuffs. 

After some time, a kid came on a bicycle. The woman caught that kid and started eating him, until it was all gone. Then, she ate his bicycle for dessert, but her hunger still wasn't satisfied. 

Two homeless men were sleeping on a roadside. She ate them all, while they were sleeping. Then, a man in a car stopped at a red light. She pulled him out through his window and gobbled him down as well. 

It was night and nobody was around. The lady was getting desperate and she was so hungry, her mouth was watering. She start eating her arm, it was really tasty. The fake teeth clicked and clacked, chomping and chewing, slicing through flesh and bone like it was just candy. After some time, there was nothing left of the lady but a puddle of blood and a pair of fake or an artificial teeth. 

After some time, an old homeless man came and he saw the pair of fake teeth lying in a puddle of blood. He didn't have his own teeths. So, he picked those pair of teeths, wiped them off and shoved them in his mouth. They were perfect for him. 

He walked off, thinking about how hungry he was. 😞😞 😂😂

Also read: Scary Story: White Lies

Note: If you have any questions, Let us know in the comment section below!


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