Scary Story: Spirit of the Little Girl

Scary Story: Spirit of the Little Girl 

 I have lived in my house since I was one year old. I live here with my two sisters, my mom, my dad and our uncle. When we shifted to the new house, when I was one year old, my uncle, who was Clairvoyant, said that this house is haunted. But, at that time my parents ignored this thing and we started to live in that house. But, after some time scary and weird things start happening. 

At that time (when we were small kids), I with my two sisters used to sleep in the same room on the second floor, which we called playroom.  Sometimes when we all were downstairs (mom, dad, two sisters, me and uncle), we would hear through the baby monitor some of our toys going off. 

Whenever this thing happens, my dad would go upstairs to check what is going on but when he reach the door to the playroom the toys would stop. My parents thought it was the batteries dying so they use to change the batteries constantly. One day this was happening again, so my dad went upstairs but as soon as he reached the door, the sounds of the toy stopped. 

My parents don't understand that what's going on. On one night my mom was woken up by my sister, she ask mom- Can I sleep with you? 

Mom: Yes, but why you don't want to sleep in your own room? 

Sister: That little girl was so sad, so I said her that you can sleep on my bed. 

Mom: Which little girl? Your sister is already sleeping with us. 

Sister: Not sister. There is one little girl, who lives in my room. 

My mom was shocked by hearing the conversation of my sister but she ignored it by thinking that her daughter is kid and she don't know anything. 

After some months, my parents had thrown a new year party. I and my sisters, stayed at my Grandparent's house that day. At that night, one of our relative was sleeping in that playroom, when he was awoken up by the sound of waking. He saw a little girl waking in the room. He thought she is, one of my sister. He thought I and my sisters have came back to house. He said your parents are at downstairs and she left the room. But next day, when he saw me and my sisters coming from outside with our grandparents, he said they were still at their Grandparents? Then he told everything that what had happen in the night.....We were shocked. 

One Another Incident: My uncle, who had said your house is haunted, was left alone one night. Then he saw a little girl waking around, he thought it's one of us. He followed that girl and she suddenly disappeared. 

After all these incidents, we called a priest in our house. He had done some rituals, so that the spirit of that little girl can get peace. After performing the rituals, priest left the home and we started living our life happily. After that day, we neither have listen any unusual sounds and  neither anyone have seen that little girl. 

If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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