Scary Story: Charlotte's Text

Scary Story: Charlotte's Text 

 It is a real life story of my friend Charlotte. One day, I and my young brother was alone at home. I was in bed, and was just about to sleep, when my friend Charlotte texted me. 

She told me that she is very terrified and don't know that she should she do.  I asked her that what have happened. She said I was alone at home and was doing the dishes. I went downstairs to take my phone and when I came back to the upstairs I noticed something on the counter which I had just cleaned. 

Whatever it was, Charlotte swears it wasn't there before. She had to peel it off the counter. She told me that it was the picture of one man. It looked like the photo had been drawn over in pen and the sides were ripped. 

We live in the same street and after listening to her talk, I thought it will not be safe to leave her alone at home. So, we decided to meet up halfway. 

I asked if she had the photo and she confirmed, assuring me she was holding it tight. I met her in the street and she looked very frightened. 

When we got to my home, she pulled out the photo and showed me. It was really disturbing photo. We came to the conclusion that it wasn't drawn on because there were no impressions that the pen would leave behind.It was clearly a part of the photo. 

We called Charlotte's mother as she was on her way back home that night from work. Her mother picked her up and drove her home. 

About an hour after she left. Charlotte texted me. The photo was of her mother's boyfriend from her teens, who was wearing halloween clothing and makeup. That one mystery was solved, that who's photo that was. 

But now the thing which was scary it that her mom had torn up the photo years ago and threw it away.The chances of that part of that photo dropping on a newly cleaned counter still confuses and unnerves me to this day. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!!  


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