Haunted Game: Dream of the Dead

Haunted Game: Dream of the Dead 

 Important Information: 

1) Only one player can play this game. 

2) If you want to dream about someone, then you should place a photograph of that person beneath your pillow. 

3) This game can be played only on 31st October. 


1) A photograph (it's optional but recommended) 

2) Salt. 

3) Four Colors. 

4) Lighter. 

5) A safe space to sleep. 

Initial Steps to play this game are: 

1) You should make a circle with salt around your sleeping space. You should leave some space while making circle, so that you can enter in it whenever necessary. 

2) Turn off all the lights and sources of unnatural sounds.

3) You should sleep before midnight i.e. before 1 November. But, you should not sleep before 10 Pm, because while playing this game you don't need to have sound and deep sleep. 

Main Steps to play this game: 

1) Make a big rough circle with the candles, make it big so that you can sit inside the circle. 

2) Sit in the circle and close your eyes. 

3) Imagine in your mind that those dead people are sitting around you and making the circle outside the circle of candles. 

4) After fixing this image in your mind. Speak loudly "On this night of nights I call the Gate Keeper, divider of the realm of the living and the dead. I demand communion with the peaceful dead." 

5) Then open your eyes, if candles are extinguish it means ritual is unsuccessful. Don't proceed further and try again next year (if you want to).  

6) If something unusual happens, like you hear screaming or feel a sense of presence, then you should immediately blow out the candles and never try this game in the same location. 

7) If the candles remain lit and place is calm, it means you are successful in your ritual. Then, you should speak loudly " Peaceful dead, I call upon you to enter the place between places. I wish to learn of you and from you in my dreams tonight." 

8) Blow out the candles and go and sleep inside your sleeping space, where you have made circle with the salt. 

9) When you enter inside the circle, close the remaining circle with the help of salt. 

10) Go to sleep. 

11) Once you are asleep you should find yourself in a lucid dream. Anything can happen with you in the dream. We can't state that what can happen and what can't. In your dream, you will find yourself visited by people who wish to speak with you. Listen to them carefully but don't ask them any questions or don't argue with them. 

12) They can speak about your past or future. They can be aggressive while speaking but they will not harm you physically. 

13) You should awake after mid night i.e. On 1st November. 

14) After getting up say, "Peaceful dead, I thank you for your attention, but ask you now to return from where you came. I banish you from this place." 

15) You should clean that area daily where you slept, atleast for three days. 

16) Be aware that although the gate is now closed, the dead remain. You have spoken to those who already haunted the area in which you played the game and now they know who and where you are. You may wish to remember this before playing any future summoning games. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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