Why deceased one's are visiting in your dreams and what does it mean?

Why deceased one's are visiting in your dreams and what does it mean? 

If you are dreaming of an deceased one, it means that you are holding onto memories of that person. It can feel downright to have a deceased one visit in your dreams. Dreaming about your deceased loved one can be unsettling and scary at the same time but it do bring some messages to the dreamers. 

Reasons why deceased one's are visiting in your dreams 

There can be many reasons due to which deceased loved one's visit in your dreams. Let us discuss some of the reasons. 

1) Deceased loved one's visit in your dream because they have a message for you 

Sometimes when a person dies, they have something in their heart to say you but they were unable to express it due to shortage f time. So, they visit in your dream to say that message to you. 

You can understand the messages in dreams easily, typically by looking into the metaphors and symbolism in the dream they're in. 

Unable to express the message in the physical world will force the deceased one to visit in your dream and these dreams are known as visitation dreams. A person will tend to get more signs from the spirit world, as they become more spiritually connected. 

2) Deceased loved one's visit in your dream because they want to make realizations 

After dying, a person can see more than he or she can see on the earth. So, somethings after their deaths they realize about their mistakes or something which they shouldn't have done. So, they think and visit to the dreams of the loved one to make realizations. 

They may want to bring through these realizations to heal the family, possibly through you and what you do with the messages. 

What does dreaming of the deceased one means? 

1) Dreaming of a deceased father: Father is a symbol of power, protection and discipline. If you are happy by seeing your father in the dream then it means you are doing good deeds in real life but if you are unhappy or your father is unhappy in your dream then it means that you are doing wrong deeds which you are not supposed to do. 

2) It is said that if the person is died by getting sick and ill and he or she appears very healthy in dream, they it means that he has been born in a good place after death. 

3) If a person is died healthy and appears sick in the dream then it is a sign that he has a wish and wants to fulfill it through you. 

4) It is said that if the living person is seen dead in the dream, then that person's age increases. 

Deceased one visit in your dreams is they have some message or warnings for the dreamers. Dead people in dreams may also signify danger and troubles, which can be avoided when not ignored. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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