What happens to the soul after it leaves the body?

 What happens to the soul after it leaves the body? 

Body do take birth and die after sometime or some years but it will not be wrong to say that soul doesn't take birth nor does it die. The Soul is a permanent entity. It's body which take birth and die not soul. Soul just changes it's form or in other words, soul changes body.

In reality, soul doesn't die at all. Death do take place when all the works to be done are completed by the person. 

What happens to the soul after death? 

After the death of a person, soul leaves the body. There are two types of people: 

1) Who believe that human souls always take rebirth in the human body. 

2) Who believe that human soul transmigrate into 8.4 million species before getting a human birth again. 

 When a person dies, the soul's journey begins and soul moves away from the body. It is very painful to die. The soul leaves one body and enters into another body. When the time comes for the soul to depart from one body, the circumstances and the event at the other end is also taking place the reception of the soul. So, after the death of a body, soul moves into another embryo. 

A person's rebirth is based on his wishes and desires present at the time of his death. But, it not only depend on his last moments wish, it is based on his good or bad deeds, done by him in his life. It is the balance sheet of his entire life that comes forward in the final moment before his death, and it is this balance sheet that determines which life form he will enter. 

The fruit of past actions is the only explanation for the fact that some human's are born with a healthy body and some are born with so many disabilities. In other words, your actions will come back to you(it's karma), whether it comes back to you in this life or next. 

It is believed that you are shifted to next body, according to the deeds done in the previous life. For example, If you will do good deeds in your life then you will not be punished after your death and you will be shifted to good life ahead but if you do bad or wrong deeds in your current life, then after your death, you will be punished and you will be shifted to another life accordingly. 

With the modern techniques, like past life regression, there are a lot of cases around us where we see a child claiming to be experiencing visions of his or her previous births. In his next birth he will get everything depending upon his Past Karma, his tendencies and his worthiness. This happens according to the divine laws of nature. Nothing happens by chance. 

The cycle rounds of reincarnations continue according to the Karmic Law, till such time as an individual liberates from the bonds of birth and death. It needs to be well understood here that liberation is not given to him as a privilege or a special gift, but is supposed to be won by his own Ego or Soul through personal effort and merit throughout the long series of reincarnations. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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