Top 5 Signs that shows that your house is haunted

 Top 5 Signs that shows that your house is haunted 

There are several things to remember in mind while you are determining whether your house is haunted or not. Firstly, let's study what is ghost. 

What is Ghost? Do Ghost really exist in this modern world? 

There is no scientific evidence to prove that ghost really exist or not. But, half of public do believe in it and rest half don't believe. According to Los Angeles Based psychic medium, Meghan Castro, "Ghosts are spirits that have not yet had closure with leaving. 

A ghost is the spirit of a person who's died. In most stories or myths, ghosts are pale, translucent and wispy. 

Let us discuss, some of the signs that shows your house is haunted. 

1) Unusual Smell 

If some strange and unusual smell is coming from your house, it can be the signal of having some negative energies in your home. If there is a distinct smell in your house and you are unable to find the source for it then it will be Phantom Scent. In this case, it's a very specific scent that wouldn't otherwise exist in your home. 

2) Unexplained Temperature Changes

If there is a sudden change in temperature taking place again and again, then it can be the sign of having some negative energy or spirit in your house. As artfully depicted in M. Night Shyamalan's 1999 classic, The Sixth Sense, characters would see their breath eight before a dramatic paranormal activity occurred. It is stated in one studies that ghosts feed more off the energy of the people than the temperature of the home. 

3) Strange Noises and moving of objects 

Unknown physical changes in the objects of the house, like you kept something somewhere else and after sometime find it somewhere else, it can be because of the presence of spirit or spirits in your house. Researcher's look for the frequency and types of noises. For example, you are downstairs and there is nobody else in your house except you and some sounds are coming from upstairs. 

4) Your phone is always on the verge of dying

If you charge your phone's battery and instantly, it's dead then you will not think that it's paranormal thing but it can be. Researcher's say that spirits try to absorb whatever energy is around them and your tech is a prime source.

5) Pets Making Contact 

If your pet is moving towards particular direction without any reason and behaving weird. If your pet is changing the reactions, continuously then it can be the reason of having some negative energies around your pet or in your house. Animals can pick up on sounds, smells, and sights that aren't detectable to humans. So, your pet can also feel he presence of a spirit. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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