Scary Story: Visiting my mom's hometown

 Scary Story: Visiting my mom's hometown 

When I was ten years old, I and my family went to Mexico city. This was my first time meeting my mom's side of the family. 

I was especially excited since I was raised on mostly japanese customs and traditions and I knew very little about my mexican heritage. When I arrived, I got to meet all my cousins, some of them I didn't even know existed. 

I know litter bit spanish, so I played and enjoyed with my cousins throughout the day. Fast forward to later that night. We were in our room, two queen beds parallel to each other, with my sister and me sharing the one furthest from the window. 

Weird sound of groaning awoke me. I looked around and saw my sister, who was sleeping between my mom and dad. I continued to hear the noise and it sounded like it was coming closer to us. 

I get up from my bed and tried to find from where the sound was coming. It led me to the closed window facing the street, and a river that I could see between two other houses. 

I stayed there for about a minute, before deciding to be brave and open one side of the window. That's when I saw a female figure emerge from behind the right side of the house. 

She had long, dark hair with something white draped on it and a long white dress that dragged behind her. It sounded like she was crying out something but I was unable to understand it. 

I stood there, watching as she walked back and forth along the river. But all of a sudden she turned to face my apartment. I quickly ducked below the window, my heart pounding in my chest. 

I sat there for a bit, not wanting to wake up my parents. I looked up again, now intrigued by sounds of barking, but this time only peeking slightly over the windowsill. I noticed that the figure was gone. But the lights to the house on the left were now on.

I took one last glance at the river and I saw something that looked like a head, wearing the same white veil I saw earlier on the figure. I didn't know why, but I thought it was staring at me and knew I was there. 

I closed the window and crept back to my bed and hid under the covers. I started up my DS to play my Pokemon Game since I was now too scared to go to sleep. That's when I saw the date. It was late October, so I thought to myself that whatever I had seen must have been somebody pulling a prank, Since it was so close to Halloween. 

I must have eventually fallen asleep since I woke up and my DS had run out of battery. I went downstairs and overheard my Grandma asking my cousins if they had been outside messing with the neighbor's dog last night since they were barking like crazy and woke them up. 

My cousins all denied it. But my Grandma didn't believe them. She said that if they were lying and went outside again tonight. La Llorona was going to get them. 

After she finished with them, I asked one of my cousins what La Llorona was and they explained to me that she goes along the river crying for her sons.  

He goes on to explain that the woman wore a wedding gown and veil, and was known for drowning her kids in a river after she was abandoned by her husband. 

He assured me that she wasn't real and only some dumb legend that our Grandma used to scare them into not leaving the house at night. At this point, I felt uncomfortable since his description of her was eerily similar to the figure I saw last night. 

But then I remembered it was halloween. I asked him what he was going to dress up as and he gave me a confused look. He told me that in Mexico, or at least in that area during that time, they celebrated DIA de los muertos, which doesn't have the same types of costumes as american hallowen. 

I visit my family every year now. But we haven't heard or seen anything ever since. 

Whatever it was, I hope never to see it again.  

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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