Scary Story: Taste your own medicine

Scary Story: Taste your own medicine 

 Taste your own medicine is a litter crazy, creepy and scary story. In this story, there is one beautiful young girl who live in a city with her parents.

 She was very beautiful, gorgeous, tall with long brown hairs. Various boys from the state comes to meet her and took her for a date in the evening but problem was that none of the boys lasted more than one date with her. Everyone of them was seen running away before the night was over and none of them have said anything about what have happened with them. Everyone refuse to go on a second date with her. 

So, the question arises why those boys refuse to go on a second date with her? Why they ran away from the very first date? 

You will get the answer of your every question, just keep on reading......

With the passage of time, no boys were coming to their house to date the young girl, so her parents were getting worried. Rumors start to spread in the city. People said there must be something wrong with the beautiful girl. May be she will have a horrible personality. Some people say that must be some deformity in the girl . 

Her parents were confused that why every young boy coming to meet her daughter are so much terrified after meeting her. She was so sweet and gentle. 

One day when the old man (father of beautiful girl) was doing some work in the garden, a young man came walking up the garden path. Old man asked "What do you want my dear"? 

I would like to date your daughter, said the young man. 

The father was happy after knowing this. Old man welcome him in his house and introduced him to his daughter. The girl seemed very shy and never looked directly at the young  man. Her voice was very much soft.  The young man asked her for a date, she accepted and accompanied him to the door when he was leaving. 

She said come back at midnight then we will go out on the date. The young man came back at the night and taped on the window of the bedroom, the girl opened the window and she climbed out. 

Girl said: If you want to go out on the date with me then promise me one thing. I want to take love test. If you love me, you will pass the test but if you fail in the test, you will not ever tell anyone that what have happen tonight.

Boy: With his hand on the heart, "I solemnly swear that I will never breathe a word of it to anyone." 

Girl said, Ok, Follow me. The young boy asked "Where are we going", girl didn't give reply and keep on walking. 

 It was dark night and there was no moon. It seems to be the type of night that ghosts wander the earth. Both young people could hear the ominous sound of dogs howling in the distance. They slipped quietly through the city streets until they came to the woods. 

The path was bordered by enormous trees that loomed over them like huge monsters. Finally, they reached an old cemetery. Surrounding was very scary and creepy. Young girl was standing at the edge of a grave. Young boy noticed that she picked up a rusty old spade and began to dig., flinging clumps of dirt everywhere. Then, she dropped to her knees and swept aside dirt with hr hands until she uncovered a coffin. 



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