Do you know about the Indonesian Ghost known as Pocong?

What is a Pocong? 

 A pocong, also known as wrapped ghost, is an Indonesian and Malaysian ghost that is said to be the soul of a dead person trapped in its shroud. The dead body is covered in white fabric tied over the head, neck and feet.


According to traditional beliefs, the soul of a dead person stays on the earth for 40 days, the body is said to jump out from the grave, so that people should release him or her. Because of the tie under the feet, ghost will not be able to walk , so this causes pocong to jump. It is believed that after the ties are released, the soul will leave the earth for real. 

In Malaysia, this is also known as Shroud Ghost and Hantu Bungkus. The pocong's face is pale green, dry and rotting. There are two dark, hollow holes inspite of eyes. It is normally found in villages, wandering through the night, jumping up and down as though  in search of someone. 

It is believed that if you ever see a pocong, it will not ever harm you (except you become a huddle in its path), but it will follow you everywhere. There are only two ways to escape from the pocong. First, by lying on the floor and pretending like you are dead. Second, by running down a long, winding road until it loses sight of you. Pocong, the ghostly figures are wrapped in white shrouds with powdered faces. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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