5 Things that happen during a full moon

5 Things that happen during a full moon 

There are many creepy facts about the full moon. People believe that lunar phase can have affect on many things. Even full moon can increase the weird things to happen. Have you ever seen horror movies? If Yes, then you must know that a full moon is supposed to bring out werewolves. 

Let us discuss every change that takes place due to the full moon. 

1) Tides can be more dramatic
It's gravity due to which tides rises and fall every day. Sun also plays a role in this. When all three i.e. sun, moon and earth align, the sun's gravitational pull lines up with that of the moon, making these effects stronger. 

2) Crime rate can be increased
Many people believe that the full moon increases the crime rate. People are more active during full moons than moonless nights. With the extra light, innocent people and criminals alike are drawn out into the night. The mix isn't exactly the best and can lead to an increase in theft and crimes. 

3) Full moon can affect your sleep
Some believe that full moon experienced less deep sleep, produced less melatonin, and took five minutes longer to fall asleep that those monitored during other times of the month. Sleep researcher Marie Dumont,  who wasn't involved in the study, suggests that the full moon could indirectly after the internal body clock by increasing volunteers exposure to light in the evening. Full moon will affect the quality of your sleep. 

4) Full moon, mood and mental health 
The human body has adapted to eons of exposure to daylight and darkness. 

Full moon have led to the development of circadian rhythms that affect many of your body parts. This can affect your physical and mental health. This can increase some of the mental health disorder like: 
anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression and Schizophrenia. 

5)  Birth rate can be increased
It is seen that during the period of full moon, birth rate increases. Researchers found that more babies were born during the time the closer the moon was to the earth, when the gravitational pull is the strongest. 

Although the effect was only seen with a supermoons, which are much closer to earth than regular full moons. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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