Dangerous Game: The Sandman Game

 The Sandman Game   

The Sandman Game is a Paranormal game. It is mostly played by the kids at sleepovers. 

Requirements of a Game: 

1) Two Players. 

This game is also known as'Sandbag game'. In this game, you have to tell a scary story about having their body filled with sand and they fell much heavier. 

You can make any scary story out of your mind, which you will tell to second person. Just you need to focus that your story should be scary and creepy.   

Start the Game: 

1) One person should lies down on the floor and the second person have to sit near first person. 

    Second person is the story teller and the first person is the story listener. 

2) Story teller have to tell story listener to close their eyes and relax themselves. After that, you have to tell them scary and creepy story about how they got injured and died and then they were cut open and filled with sand. 

3) You can make any scary story using your mind, which will cut and put salt inside the first person. 

4) Story listener should concentrate towards the story and whenever story teller talks about a body part, he should finger lightly up and down the person's body part. 

Example of Scary Story: 

1) There was one mother and one son. Son was sleeping one night and mother walk up and cut open her son's arms. Then she put sand inside his arm. 

Then, she cut his legs and put sand inside. 

Then, she cut his stomach and put sand inside. 

When her son woke up, he couldn't move. 

2) You tell the person they died in a horrible way. Then they were taken to the cemetery and buried. 

"The Sandman came to your body grave and dug up your body. He slit open your arm and filled it with sand. Then he stitched it back shut.He cut open your leg and filled it with sand.  As you narrates the story, your friend lightly touches the person with their finger to simulate the sensations of being cut open, filled with sand and sewn back up. 

Slice down their arm, pat it like you are packing it with sand, then zig-zag back up as if you are sewing them up. After the person is completely filled with sand, tell them the sandman finished his job and now he is gone. 


The Sandman Game doesn't include high risk. Till now, nobody have died while playing this game. But, then too we don't recommend you to play this game. If you want to play this game, play it at your own risk. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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