Scary Story: Dairy Milk

Scary Story: Dairy Milk 

 There are so many haunted places in India. But, there is one place which is totally secluded. It's said that no one dares to go there alone. If, by chance someone goes there alone then he or she will not come alone. Something scary and creepy will happen with him or her. 

The reason of not coming alone is a child of 10 years, who is seen there: selling dairy milk for Rs 10. If person purchases the chocolate from child then you will be safe and nothing bad will happen with you but if you don't purchase the chocolate then something bad will happen with you. 

Abhijeet, was a paranormal investigator. He had listened a news that 52 km away from Bilaspur city, people have spread the rumour that they have seen a ghost in the form of small boy selling chocolates in this jungle or open area. 

To investigate on this matter, abhijeet went to that haunted place. Before reaching that place, abhijeet safely stored his baggage in the nearby hotel. After that, he went for that haunted place.  

It was midnight and total silent in that place. Creepy sounds of the animals were many the situation more scary and creepy. In one article, abhijeet had read that in year 2010 residing public of that area  had said that it's haunted place. 

It have been three to four hours past that abhijeet had arrived that haunted place but he have not felt or seen anything like that through which he can say that this place is haunted. 

Also read: Scary story of Brownsville road

Abhijeet had felt two things very creepy. 

1st: Place where the dead body of person is buried. 

2nd: Black hut. 

May be these two things, make this place more creepy and scary. Abhijeet felt that, it was a normal place just like some other places. 

The time abhijeet had arrived, he was in the search of the child. Child, who use to sell dairy milk on this place. 

Abhijeet have not seen any paranormal activity on that silent place then he started walking towards the hotel. At the same time, a child called Please purchase dairy milk from me sir!!  One dairy milk for Rs Ten. 

Abhijeet, turned back and saw a child. Child was having packet full of dairy milk chocolates in his hands. Abhijeet without getting scared and having a smile on his face: said to that child, OK you are that child you use to sell chocolates and scare person coming over here. 

That child gave a smile and said sir, I am not ghost but with this fear people use to purchase my chocolates. For sometime, abhijeet keep on taking to that child and afterwards, he purchased four chocolates from that child and went to his hotel. 

Abhijeet kept that chocolates on the table of the room and went to sleep. At midnight, abhijeet waked up with the creepy sound. That sound was of opening the chocolates. The sound was coming from very nearby like someone was opening chocolates near his ears but chocolates were still there on the table. 

Abhijeet start eating dairy milk one by one. When, he was going to eat fourth chocolate, he heard a creepy sound from his behind. When he watched behind from the mirror he saw a creepy and scary man standing behind him. He was confused that what he should do and at the same time the telephone present in his room rang. 

Abhijeet receives the call and a person on the other side of the call replied sir, you said to wake up at 2:00am. Actually, abhijeet had not felt that place that much haunted in the day so he had decided to go there at night. 

He took all of his necessary items and went towards that haunted place. The time, he was going more and more closer to that haunted place, at the same time sound of animals were increasing. 

When abhijeet went to that place he listen to a sound of barking coming from his behind. Abhijeet started running. He keep on running upto the sound of barking stopped coming. While running, he starred at his back but there was no dog behind him but sound of barking was coming. 

After walking for while, he saw an old man sitting new a place where dead bodies are buried. That person said beta go, this is haunted place. Abhijeet said, I am hear to know about that ghost. 

Then, he start walking that suddenly he fell into a pit and he started taking long breath.....

Actually, Abhijeet was sleeping in the hotel room and all this was his dream....When he wake up everything start happening like that dream....he was hearing the sound of opening chocolates..

He switched on the lights of the room and started eating chocolates...he understood everything that everything is happening like his dream. So, he started eating chocolates and he ate 3 chocolates and  didn't touched that last chocolate because by eating that he could have seen that scary and creepy man. 

He took his necessary items and went to that haunted place...everything was having like that dream but this time he didn't ran by listening to the sound of dog barking. He met that old man and now, abhijeet said him that he should go away as it's not a safe place. 

He started walking and changed his way because he knew that there is a pit in this way and he safely went back to his hotel and waited in reception since sunrise......

We don't know that child is ghost or not!!! But, it's sure that place is haunted!!! 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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