Top 10 Haunted Places in Jammu and Kashmir

 Top 10 Haunted Places in Jammu and Kashmir

10) Ghost Abdullah (Srinagar) 

Existence of this Jinn has been confirmed by many of the locales and following is a confession by one of those many witnesses. 

"Anyone who visited this house would find his/her shoes thrown out of that place. I tried to rubbish these supernatural claims, until I witnessed the strange paranormal occurrence. I saw, shoes flying, eerie sounds coming out of that place and it is told that whoever enters the premises will suffer from some form of sickness." 

9) Gawkadal Bridge 

On 20th of january 1990, several kashmiri protesters shouting anti- India slogans, heading towards Lal Chowk were massacred after the protest turned violent. 

This place has been haunted since then and still the spirits of those dead can be felt. 

8) Udhampur (Army Quarters) 

Many people have seen spirits walking in groups. The speciality is that, these spirits are white human like figures which emit light and they march upwards to the sky and disappear. 

People have spotted these spirits by around 2:00- 2:30 in the morning. They don't hurt, but an experience worth witnessing. 

7) Desperate Jinn (Srinagar) 

 According to sources, Once a man (Zoeb) found his wife not so interested and distracted from her life. He took her for medical treatment but all his efforts were in vain. 

Then, he brought his wife for treatment before a fakir and explained to him that his wife hated him very much and felt relaxed at home during his absence. After asking few questions, it appeared from her symptoms that she was possessed. 

After reciting the Ruqya, a jinn spoke through that lady and said that it was in love with her and was responsible for the lady's behaviour. 

6) Kunan Poshpora 

This is a twin village in kupwara district. According to sources, a mass gang rape took place several years back and the entire place still lives with that haunted experience. Victimised women, who died after this incident haunt this village. 

5) Haunted Tree 

On the way to gurez from srinagar, you can find a haunted tree. This tree looks creepy and the weird atmosphere surrounding this tree will definitely give you a chill. It is believed that whoever touches this tree on the night of Amavasya, gets possessed by an evil spirit. Beware!! 

4) Guide 

Location Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) air base. Many people have claimed, that they have seen a person who helps them and then he or she suddenly disappears. Different people have different versions, but one thing is common, the spirit is always helpful. If you happen to meet this spirit then definitely thank him. 

3) Bijbehara Massacre 

Another massacre in this state, which has left the place haunted by dead. Several kashmiri protesters shouting anti- India slogans were massacred. Spirits of those dead people can be seen on several occasions during night. 

2) The Haunted Mosque (Kashmir) 

Evil in the house of God, weird but true, a mosque in one of the villages had remained unattended for quite a long time. It is haunted by several evil spirits. People entering the mosque have been found dead and many have got diseases after entering this place. 

1) Khooni Naala 

This place has got it's name, due to the number of road accidents that has taken place at this spot. A woman in black saree with an infant in her hand has been spotted by many people on this road. She has become the cause of many accidents. She asks for lift from vehicles passing by this road and people who get cursed, die..

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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