Scary Story: I Told You To Smile

Scary Story: I Told You To SmileπŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

It was the 2nd of january. 2:04 AM, I wake up to the knocking on the door. 

One knock, every three seconds. I slipped on my slippers and walked down to the stairs. As I walked out, the knocking on the door got faster, almost like a heartbeat. 

When, I got to the door, the knocking stopped. I looked outside and no body was there. I went back to my room and to my bed, thinking that it was some kids: playing a prank. 

At 4:21 AM, I woke up to the front door slamming shut. I jumped terrified. I looked at the window to find SMILE written all over the window. I grabbed over my phone and ready to call 911. 

I find a message on my phone, written I TOLD YOU TO SMILE.  I cried and ran to save my life. As soon as, I got outside, I knocked out my neighbour's house across the road. They answered and helped me, while I stopped. They phoned the police and exactly at 5:42, the police came to my neighbour's house and started to search in my house. 

They told me that there have been no evidence of anyone in my house other than me. The messages on my window were gone. Same with my phone. They told me to get some sleep and advice me to not take any stress and tension. But, I knew what had happen to me was real. 

The falling evening. after spending the day with my neighbours. I went home. I went up to my bedroom and set up a camera. I set up to it, to record and went to the sleep. 

Thankfully, I slept to the night. However, as I watched the footage, I couldn't believe what I saw. At 3:00 in the morning something crawled out from under my bed. It was a completely naked man. 

He stood up and looked at me on the bed. He did saw for an another hour. Not moving, at all. Then, he moved. He walked over to the camera, until his face took up the whole shut. He was extremely palen and had bulging things all over his head. His eyes were completely black with the huge smile on his face. He stared to the camera for an another two hours, not blinking just slightly twisting his head every now and again. 

After two hours of staring, he walked back over to my bed and crawl back under. I skip the video forward, until I was assured of getting up and walking over to the camera. 

The video finished, I was frozen with fear. The video showed him going back under but not leaving. Whatever, it was, it was still there. 

The End!!! 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!!   


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