How to remember your past lives?

How to remember your past lives?  

Have you ever wondered that what was you in your past life? 

Have you ever had a strange feeling after looking something or somebody like you know that place or person, before the actual time. The feeling that you are much closer to anyone. 

But, do you know that, how you can remember your past live? 

Here, I am going to discuss few ways, through which you can remember your past live: 

1) Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is one of the most common method of knowing about your past but the only thing you should have the good, experienced hypnotist. This therapy is being in use for many years. 

Finding experience and not money making hypnotist can be difficult task but if you are able or successful to find him or her then you are very closer to know about your past lives. 

A good past life regressionist will take you back to relive certain distant memories so you can understand what might be holding you back in this lifetime. 

Many people have had deep experiences through this sort of work, so much, that endless books and studies have been done on it. 

2) Psychics 

This method is easiest to know about your past live. But, in this way too, you should have good and experienced psychics. 

You should have psychics, whom you can trust blindly. You can check, that whether that person is genuine or not by asking him something which is not known to anyone except you. 

Quiz that person on deeply personal level, so that, it is clear to you that their skill is real and the past life reading you get will likely be much more accurate. 

If you find a trustworthy person then this can be the fastest route. 

3) Meditation

We also have meditation as a method or way of knowing about our past live. In some areas, less emphasis is placed on knowing past lives, rather, the emphasis is placed on dealing with what know in the present moment. 

Regardless of your past lives, they say, you still have trouble finding peace. But still, meditation practitioners can find their past lives after deeply diving into their consciousness. 

By deeply meditating, we can come to the point where past lives are laid out before them. This is one the final steps toward liberation. It's said that when this experience comes, the yoga is so far advanced and full of joy that it means very little to them. 

4) Meditation Dreaming 

Last method or way to know about your past live is meditation dreaming. We can experience our past live in our dreams. 

Steps to perform meditation dreaming is simple: 

1) Meditate deeply at night before bed for 30-45 mins. 

2) Lay down on your back in bed. 

3) As you start to fall asleep, pay attention to the spiritual eye

4) Let yourself drift. 

The moment just before you go to sleep is considered to be a moment where you have a brief experience of super consciousness. 

By keeping your attention elevated and the spine straight, you can actually move into higher realms. 

This technique isn't going to give you exactly what you are looking for every time, but it will shed some light on your spiritual nature, and may be sometimes it will give you a past life memory too!!! 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!!   


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