Dangerous Game: The Creature in Your Mind

 The Creature in Your Mind 

Have you ever thought that what the figure was, which came in your mind or dream? Is there any figure, which comes in your mind again and again or in your dream again and again? 

If you want, you can talk to him, face him but just you need to be careful because anything can happen! 

Requirements to start the game: 

1) You need white clothing, for yourself. 

2) White bed sheet. 

3) One bed. 

4) A quiet and dark room. 

Steps to start the game: 

1) You must play this game on a new moon night, exactly at 1:28 in the morning. 

2) Go to the room, where you want to play this game. 

3) Lay down on the bed and act like you are sleeping. 

4) I recommend you not to sleep on your back because it might be more painful. 

5) Close your eyes, and wait. 

6) After some time, you will start to hear whispers coming from behind your door. When you start hearing those noises, say "Come to me, I want to talk". 

7) If done properly, the door will open, and you will immediately fall asleep. If you don't do it properly, then you will be fallen sleep normally. 

Next level to the game: 

1) When you are sleeping, you will immediately wake up inside a room, with two windows on the opposite sides. 

2) Outside the windows, there are endless night skies raining blood both up and down. 

3) Inside a room, there is a table, chair and blood (blood everywhere). 

4) Don't react or don't be worried. Just get the closest chair, and sit down. 

5) Say "I am here." 

6) The door will open and someone or that creature will come in. 

7) Initially, that creature will not speak anything. 

8) But, you will feel the presence of someone or something. Don't be afraid, don't panic, it won't hurt you. 

9) The creature will start to talk. It's voice will give you shivers that even your soul will feel. But, try to hide your fear. 

10) Be silent and listen to that creature. It will talk about the secrets of your life, your future and will speak about the scary truth of existence. 

You still have to avoid reacting despite how shocking the truth is. If you got panic then that creature will attack you. 

When he will stop talking, he will lean his head on his right fist. You should try to console him and should say "I understand." Am I worthy to know? He will ask to see your hand and you should show your hand to him and he will put something on your hand, you can't recognise the thing (which he place on your hand) at that moment. 

After this, you will wake up and it will be morning. You will see something in your hand. Open it, it is a gift for you from that creature. 

If you see quarter in your hand: Every night will give you a very pleasant dream. 

If you see a rubber duck: Your dreams will be memories of your childhood. 

If you see a little key: You will be able to see the secret of your friend through your dreams. 

But, if there is nothing, the next time you sleep, you will never wake up again. The effects of the objects lasts exactly six days. After that, your nights will get back to normal. 

But, during these six days, never, get rid of those objects. Always take them with you, all the time. The creature knows what you are doing. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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