Dangerous Game: The Corner Game

 Dangerous Game: The Corner Game 

The Corner game is based on a superstition which says that if you look at the corners in a dark room before sleeping then ghost will come in your dreams and will haunt you. 

Requirements to play this ritual: 

1) 4 Players to play the game. ( one speaker and other three regular players.) 

2) You need an empty room with no furniture in it. 

3) Whole of the building or house shouldn't have any fifth person in it. 

4) A room in which, you want to play the game should have exactly four corners in it. 

Rules to play the game: 

1) No one should speak anything except the speaker or except when you need to say your own name. 

2) Don't allow the fifth person to enter the building or house. 

3) Don't use flashlight or candle during the game. 

4) Don't close the eyes instead of facing the wall. 

5) Don't enter the room alone after playing the game. 

Starting steps of the game: 

1) All four players should enter the room in which you want to play this ritual. 

2) You should play this game at midnight. 

3) All of the rooms in the house should be dark except the room, in which you want to play this ritual. 

4) Enter the room and take your own names for three times. 

5) After entering the room, only speaker should speak. 

6) Close the door of the room behind you and turn off all the lights. 

7) Each player has to pick a corner to stand in facing the wall. Only one person is allowed to stand in per corner. 

Main steps to play the game: 

1) All of the three players should remain silent and the fourth one or the speaker should count to three. 

2) When the speaker finished counting, all of the four players should move clockwise to the next corner. 

3) Everyone's back should remain facing towards the centre of the room. 

4) When everyone moved to their new corner repeat the previous step until deciding to finish the game. 

5) All the players should use a predetermined signal in order to indicate if a player has vanished. The signal must not include speaking. 

For Example, Each player knocking on the wall a specific number of times is an often used a signal for this game like Player1 knocks once, Player 2 knocks two time, Player 3 knocks three times and Player 4 knocks four times. 

If any one of the player disappeared between the game then you should: 

1) The speaker should let the others know about this through a signal. 

2) All remaining or three players should whisper their own name three times and press their back to the wall. 

3) The person who is near to the light should switch the light on within few seconds. 

4) If disappeared person, comes back then it's good. But, if the person doesn't reappear immediately you should turn off the lights and carry on the game. 

If the fifth person appears during the game then it is ghost. You shouldn't took to him. 

Steps to end the game: 

1) Gather around the light switch with their backs to the wall. 

2) Each player must say their own names backwards three times. 

3) Turn on the lights. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!!  


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