15 Amazing Facts from throughout the world

15 Amazing Facts from throughout the world 

Here in this article, I have Amazing Facts for you, which I have gathered from the whole world. Some of them are wired and on the other hand some are interesting. 

1)  There are seven (7) Billion people in the world. If you meet each person for one (1) second, it would take 224 years to meet everyone. 

2)  On December 16th, 1811 the mighty Mississippi river began to flow backwards due to a powerful earthquake. 

3)  The world's most expensive bottled water costs Rs. 42 lakh per bottle. The water in it contains 5 mg of gold dust and it comes in a hand- made bottle cover made with 24 karat gold.  

 4)  A British girl named "Olivia Farnsworth" is the only known case of Cromsome 6 Deletion. She doesn't feel hunger, pain or the need to sleep. 

In 2016, she was hit by a car but felt no pain and had minor injuries. Her doctors nicknamed her "Bionic Girl." 

5A medically dead student suddenly woke up at the hospital and came to life. Doctors asked him about life after death. According to him, he saw everything. He was sitting beside his dead body being taken to the hospital. 

He told every single detail of the ambulance and the staff. Doctors said, it was his soul! Strange but true. 

6)  If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside. 

7)  Margaret  Hamilton, NASA'S Lead Software Engineer for the apollo, stands next to the code she wrote by hand that took humanity to the moon in 1969. 

8) Michael Jackson is the most- awarded artist of all time. He won more awards than any other music alive or deceased. He's received 39 Guinness World Records, 6 Billboard Awards, 13 Grammys, 16 world music Awards, 26 American Music Awards. 

9) Jackie, a teen Instagram blogger was sentenced to 110 years in high security prison after she posted a picture of her and her new born son at the age of 19. 

She gave birth to her son using a home bathing kit. After birth she left her baby in a rubbish bin to die on the street.    

10) There exist a Banyan Tree in Kolkata, India that is bigger than the size of an average Wal-Mart.

It is the world's widest tree and look like a forest from far away. It is spread across 156,000 square feet of land. 

11) There is a 400 years Old Rock in Saudi Arabia called A1- Naslaa which appears to be cut in half with laser like precision. Till now nobody knows how it happened. Some say that Ancient Civilizations may have been more advanced than our history books tell us. The exact reason is still unknown. 

12) Julio Macias, 17 year old boy from Mexico city died after his girlfriend gave him a love bite. The suction resulted in a blood clot which travelled to the brain, causing a stroke. 

13)  Elephants are excellent swimmers. They swim submerged underwater using their trunks as snorkels. African Elephants have been recorded swimming 48 Km. They can swim 6 hours nonstop, then rest without sinking. 

14)  Every Prisoner in the world who is sentenced to death is asked for their favourite last meal. This is not to fulfil their last wish, but as a way to bribe the ghost of the prisoner to not haunt executioners. 

15)  Mexico has a place called Zone of Silence where clocks don't work, Radios stop functioning and compass spin violently when placed on the ground.  


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