Dangerous Game: Dark Music Ritual

 Dangerous Game: Dark Music Ritual 

It is not just a game but much more than that. It is an invitation and experience. You don't play, you  listen. 


1) An Instrument (guitar or flute) 

2) Paper

3) Pen or pencil

4) Band aid

5) Pointy Pin 

6) Salt

7) Salt water

8) Music notes (Optional) 

Steps for the ritual: 

1) Take the instrument: guitar or flute whichever you are using. Put that instrument infront of the door, make sure it isn't blocked in anyway. 

2) Poke yourself with the pin and put your blood on the instrument you are using. 

3) After that, you should write a message on paper with pen  or pencil for the spirit and that message should be respectful. 

For example: You can write something like: 

Spirit, please play for me, a song you know.

I offer you my instrument, to play for me, a song you know. 

4) After writing something on paper, you should hide somewhere, you can hear the music. Make sure to make a line of salt before hiding and do have a glass of salt water with you, as you will need this to end the ritual.

5) Hide in the darkest place and wait for something to happen and make sure that you remain silent or don't make any noise. 

Ending the ritual: 

We have two methods or ways to end this ritual. 

1) Thankful Method. 

2) Forgiving Method. 

Note: You have to perform, forgiving method of ending this ritual in that case only when you have made the spirit angry on you. Otherwise, if everything is normal then you should end the ritual in thankful method only. 

1) Thankful Method

a) Go to the salt line, you had made and break that line in the middle with both of your hands. 

b) Take your note (which you had written for the spirit) and fold that note 3 times and place that note in the glass of salt water . Set this for where you placed your note. 

c) Face the spirit and say: Thank you spirit, you can stop your play. I have enjoyed it, but it is nearly day. 

d) Make sure to clean the blood on instrument with the help of that salt water only which you had used in the ritual. Otherwise, spirit will return night after night to play. 

2) Forgiving Method

If any of  the following things happen, then you have to end the game by Forgiving Method. 

Suddenly, the music stops. 

Any loud noise is heard through the house. 

You leave to end the game and find the salt line broken. 

You leave to end the game and find the instrument broken. 

a) Run quickly to the instrument with you salt water. Splash the salt water between the door and instrument, you have now made the ghost enraged. 

b) Take the note and tear it into 5 pieces and put it into salt water. 

c) Say to spirit that: 

Forgive me, spirit, I stopped your play. 

Forgive me please, I wish to stay. 

d) Then take the instrument and play the music, do this for 10 seconds and after that switch on the lights and stay in silence for an hour, don't play music. 

e) After the hour, wash the instrument with new batch of salt water, so that spirit doesn't come back. 

 Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


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