A Glass of Salt and Vinegar will Detect Negative Energies in your Home

A Glass of Salt and Vinegar will Detect Negative Energies in your Home 

Throughout our life, we all must have felt negative and positive vibes from someone or something. Even, science is not yet ready to put a name to it, emotional energy is very real, and important like thermal energy or potential energy of matter.

It's not only people who makes us connected to other people, or it's not only people who gives us vibes; but it can be object as well. Objects and places can hold onto energy and we can feel them much later in time as well. 

You must have once's, experienced a sudden and powerful emotion when you walk into a room. It could be light, happy and charming which would make you feel all good and positive, or it could be a weird sensation, of something wrong. 

It happens to each of us and we usually dismiss it as an overactive imagination or somehow find an excuse which can explain away this sudden overpowering feeling. 

What you experience in such instances is residual energy that sticks to objects. Sounds a little bit crazy right? How can energy get stuck to things? 

But did you know that inanimate objects, people and even empty space can hold energy. Energy can attach itself to anything and anyone and can linger there for many years unless it is cleansed. 

This energy could have been your own, when you were under a lot of stress from work and lashing out on everything that moved on two legs, or this residual energy could belong to the couple who occupied that place before you. 

As mentioned before, it can linger on for years and years if not attended to. So how do we make it go away? In the same way, you might not even realize it but there is a possibility that a lot of old energy, negative energy at that, is sort of trapped inside your house and can't escape. It keeps acting on you and your family and that just created even more negative energy. 

As you might know, it has been successfully demonstrated that our emotional energy has a concrete and recordable effect on water. 

When we shout at our loved ones our negative energy impacts the water in their body, so you might want to avoid doing that in the future. However, we can perform an experiment that can remove the bad energy from your house. 


  • Two tablespoon of White Vinegar
  • Two tablespoon of Salt 
  • 16 ounces of filtered water. 
 Just mix everything well for at least a minute in a clear glass and leave it somewhere you spend most of your time. 

Leave it undisturbed for one whole day. You will observe that the salt would be rising in the glass, and when it stops, it means that it has captured all the negative energy in the vicinity. You can repeat this for other rooms as well. 

  Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!


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