Top 10 Haunted Highways Roads in India

 Top 10 Haunted Highways Roads in India 

Ghosts, hitchhikers, woman in white/ black/ red, all around the world, late- night drivers have witnessed haunting experiences on roads. Here we bring to you Top 10 Haunted Roads or Highways in India. 

1) NH 4 [Bangalore]

According to the sources, on several days during night, a young pretty girl asks for lift from the passerby. In one incident a young boy won over by the beauty of this girl, gave her a lift. When he was near the City Premises he asked the girl as to where she intended to go. To his utter surprise, he found that the girl was missing. Once he reached the City Premises, someone patted on his back and it was the girl whom he had given the lift and she asked him to stop. He was so terrified that he rammed into a compound wall of a nearby under construction building. As he was lying wounded on the road, the girl came and looked into his eyes, gave a wicked smile and walked away. 

2) Blue Cross Road [Chennai] 

This road is believed to be full of ghosts, just because of the number of people that have committed suicide here. The lonely stretch has a canopy of trees and low hanging vines, which effectively cuts off the clear skies and to add to it no street lights at night. 

3) NH 17 [Mumbai-Goa Highway] 

There is an old saying that don't carry meat while travelling, especially after 2 in the night. One such incident took place at NH 17. A couple were carrying Chicken and other meat items in their car, they were peacefully driving until the lights went on and off and the car went out of their control. They somehow managed to pull over the car and got out of it. The doors automatically got closed and after about an hour the doors opened suddenly and they saw a black smoke coming out of their car. They didn't get into the car until sunrise. When they finally got into the car next morning they found out that all the meat was gone...

4) Mount Road [Chennai] 

This road has a history of haunting. It is believed that ghosts would follow those who travelled by rickshaws on this road. This urban legend has been around for more than half a century. 

5) Delhi Jaipur Highway 

The Delhi Jaipur Highway has also seen its share of haunted incidents. People have experienced and witnessed unexplained paranormal sights and sounds on this highway, especially the closer one gets to Bhangarh fort. 

6) MG Road [Gurgaon] 

A woman in white saree has been spotted by many drivers. According to the legend, this woman's tongue expands to great length and her eyeballs fall out when anyone dares to stare at this lady. There have been many such haunted incidents and if you ever pass through this road during midnight, drive slowly and pray. 

7) Mumbai Nashik Highway [Kasara Ghat] 

A particular area on the Mumbai Nashik Highway passing through Kasara Ghat is said to be haunted by several paranormal entities. People have reported seeing an old headless lady, who suddenly comes in front of the vehicle, causing many accidents. 

8) Khooni Naala [J & k ] 

This place has got it's name, because of the number of road accidents that have taken place on this spot. A woman in black saree with an infant in her hand has been spotted by many people on this road. She asks for lift from vehicles passing by this road and people who get cursed die....

9) Ranchi Jamshedpur NH 33 

245 people have died on this highway since 2010. Temples have been built on the both the ends, for travellers safety. A tall white lady is said to be haunting this highway. 

10) Delhi Cantonment Road 

The most popular story around here is that a lady in white asks for lift from the passers by and if you don't stop your vehicle, they say that the spirit sometimes sticks to the boot of the car or jumps over it and has been the cause of many accidents. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below! 



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