Dangerous Game: Charlie Charlie Challenge

Charlie Charlie Challenge 

The Charlie Charlie Challenge is a modern incarnation of the spanish paper and pencil game called Juego de la Lapicera. Like a Magic 8- Ball, the game is played by teenagers using held or balanced pencils to produce answers to questions they ask. 


1) One sheet of paper. 

2) Two pens or pencils.

3) A Ruler (Optional) 

4) Ask questions in that way, you can seek answers in Yes or No.  

Basic steps for Game: 

1) You can start the Game at any time you want. 

2) Place the sheet of paper on a flat surface, oriented landscape- wise. 

3) Using one of the pen or pencil, draw a vertical line down the center of the page, top to bottom. After that, draw a horizontal line across the center of the page, left to right. You can use ruler, to draw these lines. 

4) Your sheet of paper should now be divided into four quadrants, with the lines you drew forming the axes. 

5) In the top left and bottom right quadrants, write the word "yes." 

6) In the top right and bottom left quadrants, write the word "no." 

7) Place one pen or pencil in the center of the page on the horizontal axis. 

8) Place the second pencil in the center of the page, on top of the first pencil, on the vertical axis, the writing tip pointed upwards. The pencils should, together, form a cross in the center of the page. 

9) When every above step is performed, then you can start the conversation. 

The Communication or The Conversation: 

1) Speak loudly that, Charlie Charlie, may we play? 

2) Your focus should be on the pens or pencils. 

3) If pencil remains still: The ritual has failed; your correspondent is not there. Don't play the Game. Pack up the pens or pencils and dispose of the piece paper. 

You can try same on some other day...

If the pen or pencil moves to indicate No: The ritual has succeeded, but your correspondent doesn't want to play or talk to you. Then too don't play the game. Apologize for disturbing them and bid them farewell. Pack up the pencils, destroy the paper and dispose of both the pencils. 

If the pencil moves to indicate Yes: The ritual has succeeded and your correspondent wants to play with you. You can continue the game. 

4) Gently reposition the top pencil so that it is again aligned with the vertical axis. 

5) Ask your next question. You can ask anything, which you wants to know. 

You must, however, phrase it as a YES or NO question, and you must begin your request by repeating the words, Charlie Charlie 

6) Watch the top pencil. 

  • If the pencil moves to indicate No: The answer to your question is No. 
  • If the pencil moves to indicate Yes: The answer to your question is Yes. 
  • If the pencil doesn't move: Then your correspondent don't know the answer of your question or has chosen not to answer. Don't repeat the same question, again and again. 

7) If there is any need, then do reposition the top pencil so that it is again aligned with the vertical axis. 

8) Ask your next question. You may continue to perform the Game, and can ask as many questions, as many you want to ask. 

9) When you want to leave the game, perform the following steps. 

Steps to end the Game: 

1) To end the game, speak loudly Charlie Charlie, may we leave the game? 

  • If the pen or pencil doesn't move: The correspondent have not given you the permission to leave the Game. You need to ask again. 
  • If the pen or pencil moves to indicate No: You have not received the permission to exit the game. You need to ask again. 

  • If the pen or pencil moves to indicate Yes: You have received permission to exit the game. 
2) Pack up the pencils and put away the piece of paper. 

3) You should dispose of the pencil or pen and paper and even ruler. 

Some Safety Tips: 

This game can be played either by single person or with multiple players. If playing with alternative players, players should alternate asking questions. 

This game can be played with bystanders. Bystanders must remain silent at all times. They can't interfere with the proceedings in any way. They should only watch and listen and should not do anything else. 

Don't exit the game without gaining permission to do so. 

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!  



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