6 Signs a lost loved one is nearby

 Signs a lost loved one is nearby 

The Death of loved one is the most painful part of everyone's life. Unfortunately, most of us have or will experience this at some point in our lives.

The Death of loved one can leave you devastated and lost but in time, by going through the proper grief process, you can start to bring normality back into your life. But that doesn't mean you forget about the person. 

If you are struggling to come to terms with the loss of a loved one, there are certain signs you can look out for that indicate they may be nearby. Of course, there is no definitive proof but these signs may help you come to terms with your loss, and serve as a comforting reminder of the person. 

1) Dreams

You must have experienced it or listened it from someone that when loved one passes over, you're more likely to dream about them. After all, they will be on your, both consciously and subconsciously. However, dreams are also the perfect way for deceased loved ones to contact you. If you keep dreaming about them, it might be a sign that they are telling you everything is okay and not to worry about them. 

2) Moved Objects

If you find certain objects displaced or moved from where you left them, it could be your loved one sending you a sign. Especially if the object was something of theirs or holds particular sentimental value. Many people who have lost a loved one find that certain objects seem to be moved into their path. 

For example, finding a t-shirt of theirs near the bathroom door in the morning when you wake up, when you know you left it in the hamper the previous night. 

3) A feeling of being touched 

This is one of the strongest signs that a loved one is nearby. Feeling like you have been brushed on the shoulder or feeling breath on your skin can feel a little unnerving and uncomfortable but could just be a loved one making contact. Some people are comforted by this feeling once they know it is just their loved one. 

4) Unusual animal behaviour👿

Animals are thought to be extra perceptive and sensitive to the other side which is why it's not uncommon to find them acting a little strangely when you lost loved one is nearby. If you have a pet they may seem to stare at nothing however they could be sensing or even seeing your loved one. 

5) Smell 💗

It's perfectly normal to still smell your loved one's scent on their clothes and around the home, soon after their death; sometimes, overwhelming smells such as their perfume or favourite food can suddenly occur- sometimes months after they have passed over. 

6) Electrical activity 

This may seem a little like a cliche but there is a reason lots of ghost films use this trope. Many people have reported unusual electricity activity, such as lights flickering on and off. This can be a sign that they are trying to communicate you. 

Note: If you have any question, Let us know in the comment section below! 


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