Dry Bones Ritual

Dry Bones Ritual 
The Dry Bones Ritual is a paranormal game involving playing hide and seek with a demon. It is very similar to hide and seek alone and the midnight game. 

The Dry Bones Ritual is a dangerous game and I don't recommend playing it, but then too if you want to play then it at your own risk. 


A bathroom, a mirror, a candle and a box of matches. 

1) Before you begin the ritual, close all doors and windows in your home. Close all cupboards, cabinets and closets, as well. Turn off all of the lights, including televisions and computer screens. 

2) Begin the game at exactly 12:01 AM. Not a minute later  and not a minute earlier. If the ritual is not started at exactly 12:01 AM, it will not work. 

3) Go into you bathroom and look into your mirror. Make sure everything is completely silent. If you hear any strange noises, that means "he" is already there. Abort the game and leave the house immediately. 

4) Think of something you really want. This will be your prize if you win ( it can't be anything like superpowers or the ability to read minds. It has to be a materialistic and real thing). 

5) Strike a match and light your candle. Don't blow out the match yourself. Wait for it to burn out on its own. If the match lasts 15 seconds, you may continue. 

6) Lie down on the floor and recite the words " I am aware of your presence and I invite you into my home. Come now". 

7) Go to the largest room in your house and wait. How long this will take can vary widely. For some, it could take hours and for others it can take minutes. When "he" is ready, you will hear a faint moaning sound. If you hear anything else, abort the game and leave the house immediately. 

8) When you hear the moaning begin, you must run and hide. While you are hidden, "he" will be searching for you. You must remain hidden until 3:00 AM. 

9) When the clock strikes 3:00 AM, it is safe to come out. Return to the largest room in your house and recite the words " Thank you for playing, but you must leave now. You are no longer welcome." You will hear a groan, signalising that "he" is leaving. If you win the game, "he" will leave and you will find your prize outside your front door the next morning. 

Don't leave your hiding place. Don't make any noise. Don't make any quick movements. These will make "him" find you sooner, and if you find him, he will kill you. Keep in mind: is the reward worth the risk?   

Note: If you have any questions, Let us know in the comment section below! 


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