Dangerous Game:Blue Baby Blue

Blue Baby Blue

Blue Baby Blue is an urban legend about a strange game that kids play in bathrooms. If you perform the ritual, they say an evil ghostly infant will appear in your arms. This urban legend is related to the myth of Bloody Mary. 

Baby Blue is Bloody Mary's son. It is said that Bloody Mary killed her son with a shattered piece of glass. The poor baby never even got a chance for life, I  guess that is what happens when you are born to a psychotic mother. There are two different ways that you can do to perform this challenge. The first way is you go into your bathroom with the lights on, fog up your mirror.( You can breathe on it, turn on the hot water, etc) After fogging up your mirror take you finger and write "Baby Blue" on the mirror. Then turn off the light. After that, hold out your arms like you are holding a baby. You will then feel the pressure of a child on your arms. You may hold him for a couple of minutes, then pass him to your friend. However, if you drop him, he will give you a small scratch. Once you pick him up if you are that clumsy to continue dropping him the last thing you will see is a mirror shattering. This baby will kill you if you drop him more than once. At this point, if your friend is still with you when the mirror shatters, they might as well run, at this point you are a lost cause. 

The second way is to go into a bathroom with the lights already off. Close the door, and look in the mirror. Say "Baby Blue" 13 times and hold out your arms like you are going to rock the baby to sleep. Begin to move your arms in a rocking motion. You will feel the pressure of the child in your arms. However, you only get a couple of minutes because Bloody Mary will show up in your mirror and shout "GIVE ME MY BABY BACK". She will also attempt to make you meet the same fate as her baby. You will die if you don't return the baby. 

Also Read: The Annabelle Doll

Note: If you have any question, Let us know in the comment section below!



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