Elevator to the another world

Elevator to the another world

There are a number of "games" out there but I did never heard of this one called "Elevator To Another World". It apparently comes from Korea but there's no word one who first discovered it and I can't read the first hand accounts because Google Translate wouldn't work. It says its translated everything into english but there is no translation which I find pretty odd. 

I was, however, able to locate what claims to be a translation of the game which appears from several years ago. Whether its real or not, proceed with extreme caution. It is claimed that this game done correctly, takes you to another world. That world is similar to our world except you are the only person and this world have no electricity it means the world is dark. 

A good precaution might be to write the return instructions on your hand. Here is how to play the game. Good Luck. 

Basic requirements

One Building, at least 10 floors high, with an Elevator. 

Steps to go in another world 

1) Enter the elevator from the first floor by yourself. If anyone else gets on then understand that you can't continue from the first floor and wait until the elevator can be taken alone. 

2) Press the button for the fourth floor. 

3) Don't get out when the elevator reaches the fourth floor. Stay in the elevator and press the button for the second floor. 

4) Don't get out when you reach the second floor. Stay on the elevator and then press the button for the sixth floor. 

5) Don't get out when you reach the sixth floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the second floor. 

6) Don't get out when you reach the second floor. Stay on the elevator and press the button for the tenth floor. Some have reported hearing a voice calling to them on the second floor during this middle section of the ritual. Don't reply. Don't answer in any way. 

7) Don't get out once you have reached the tenth floor. Stay on and press the button for the fifth floor. 

8) It has been reported by some that a woman may enter the elevator on floor five. She may appear as a stranger who wishes to engage with you. More importantly, she may appear as someone you know. It is important that you do not acknowledge her in word or glance. If the elevator you are in is reflective then stare at the floor or the buttons only. 

9) Now press the button to head to the first floor. If instead of going towards the first floor you instead begin to ascend to the tenth then you have performed the ritual correctly. However, and this is very important, if you instead do descend to the first floor then you have done something wrong. Get off on the first floor immediately. If the woman is on the elevator then remember not to acknowledge her. 

10) If you reach the tenth floor, you can either stay on the elevator or exit the elevator. Some have reported that upon attempting to leave the elevator, the woman will try one last time to engage with you. She may raise her voice and ask where are you going or " what's wrong". She may shriek as you cross the door's threshold. Keep your wits about you and don't engage or look at her even out of fear. 

11) There is only one way to know whether you have traveled to the other world for sure. You will know because you will be the only person there. 

Steps to go back in your own world 

1) Press the button for the first floor and keep pressing it until the elevator begins to move. 

2) Once you have reached the first floor, exit immediately. Don't exit on any other floors but the first. Don't acknowledge the woman if she is in the elevator. If anyone else gets on then don't speak to them either. Remain silent. 

If you do exit the elevator at the tenth floor: 

1) The elevator you used to get there is the only one you can use to return. Remember it. 

2) When you get back on the elevator, press the buttons in the same order you did in steps 2 through 8 which you used to travel. This should take you to the fifth floor.

3) Once you have reached the fifth floor, press the button for the first floor. Don't be surprised when you instead begin to ascend again to the tenth floor. Don't panic. You can press the button of any floor lower than ten to stop ascending but you have to do it before you again reach the tenth floor. Some have described feeling called not to cancel the elevators ascension. You must. 

4) Once you have canceled the ascension and reached the first floor make sure that everything seems normal to you. If anything seems remotely strange. If you hear anything you shouldn't be hearing. If you smell something you don't recognize then don't exit the elevator. You have to repeat step 2 until everything on the first floor seems normal. 

5) Once you are satisfied that everything on the first floor is as it should be in your world then you can exit the elevator. 

Additional Information: 

1) The other world has been described by travelers as dark but otherwise exactly like your own world. Again, you will know that it is not your world because no one else will be there. You may see a distant red cross through a window. This may be a cross or it may be something else. 

2) Electronics often don't work but some have posted videos claimed to have been taken while traveling to the other world. 

3) You may become disoriented if you exit on the tenth floor. You may feel dizzy. Be vigilant, pay attention to how you are feeling, and keep your wits about you. 

4) If you faint out, you may wake up at home but understand, it mayn't be your home world. Examine everything around you to make sure it's as it should be.


 Note: If you have any question, Let us know in the comment section below!




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